Briana Morgan

Briana Morgan

Web Design & Internet Marketing
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
27 years old
Chicago, Illinois, United States
2 years
Briana Morgan- ||- B.A. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MARKETING PERSONAL PROFILE Recent graduate. Experienced and motivated in marketing, communications, and digital marketing. Challenge, competition, and goals motivate me to be the best. Listening attentively, communicating persuasively, and following through dilligently. Skills relevant Experience - WEB DESIGNER Organization Detail - Oriented Competitive Integrity Confidence Public Speaking Education History CARROLL COLLEGE B.A. in Business Administration emphasis in Marketing with a minor in Theology, 2019 Relevant Coursework: Economics, Statistics, Advanced Spreadsheets, Business Policy, Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Market Research, Web Design and Development, Social Media, Personal Selling, Accounting, Managerial Finance, Financial Markets, Photography. - Cum Laude Dean's List all 4 years Member, Accounting Club Member, Enactus Student Leader, Saints for Life Major Projects: Excel, Photoshop, Illustrator, hard coding website, Market Research Project, Statical Analysis References References available upon request. Frozen Pine Web Design | 2018 - Present - Co-founder of small web design business. Lead generation, sales pitch, and closing. Project management and customer centered services. Javascript, HTML, and CSS coding. FAITH FORMATION COORDINATOR Cathedral of St. Helena | 2018 - Present - Promotion and planning of Cathedral related events. Coordinating religious ed programs of over 200 children and adults weekly. Communication to over 100 families by phone calls and flocknote emails. Content creation and facebook scheduling. Creating advertisement to maintain Cathedral Brand Identity. Recording keeping of official church documents. EMAIL MARKETER Pro Life Helena | 2019- Present - Emailing weekly to the Pro-Life Helena Email List. Generate content for social media and weekly email. Promotion, planning, and emceeing events. Increasing Social Media Clicks through Email Marketing. MEDIA MANAGER Helena Catholic Women's Conference | 2017-Present - Web Design and content manager. Instagram and Facebook content Creation. Social Media scheduling. Power point creation and control during the conference. Monthly Steering Committee meeting. SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERN Checkers Safety Group | 2016 - Decreased order entry wait time from 3 weeks to 1 day. - Collaborated with management in Canada and manufacturing in Mexico to ensure customer satisfaction. - Learned the product catalog to answer customers questions.
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