Bernice Magnolia A. Fregil

Bernice Magnolia A. Fregil

I am currently working on a BPO industry as a senior advisor.
Virtualnook Hub
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
37 years old
North Caloocan, Metro Manila, Philippines
9 years

I was trained by former agents from Ireland who had a good personal enhancement in UK and Dublin. I multitask when they gave me admin work while taking calls and was able to meet the given responsibilities. I helped new mates on our team how to handle difficult calls focusing on process compliance and have done shadowing, provided feedback for co-agents and coaching on best practices for improvement. Helps other team to maintain a good serviceable work.

Skills and Competencies

  • Resourceful, energetic, organized, diligent, responsible, fast-learner, amiable
  • Good and proficient English communication skills
  • Knowledgeable on basic computer skills (word and excel) and with the working knowledge of the internet.
  • Develop rapport with the clients, staff and managers.
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