Ashwajit Bhagwanji Magar

Ashwajit Bhagwanji Magar

My hobbies are writing, reading books, traveling, listening music & podcast.rewriting, essay writing
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
28 years old
Bhandara, Maharashtra, India
3 years

Writing is my passion, and I always make sure that I create a balance between my writing style and what the client requires. I understand how important it is for websites and blogs to have high-quality content, and so, I only deliver well-researched, upbeat, exciting, and plagiarism-free articles for you.

I communicate regularly and keep clients up to date with what I'm currently doing for the given task. I love learning new things, and I am open to undergoing training if needed as I strive to become a valuable asset in your company.

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