Asama Qureshi

Asama Qureshi

I am a web developer and build interactive applications.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
34 years old
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
4 years
Asama Qureshi website: email:-mob: (- Profile I have just completed a BSci, majoring in pure mathematics, (2018) and I hold a BSci majoring in Software Engineering (2013). The bulk of my work experience has been in front end web development, however I also have experience in backend coding and databases (see technical skills). I am a driven and motivated worker, and I have taken several projects from the conceptual phase and have worked closely with clients to get them to a finished product. I highly value good relationships and maintaining clear communication with those I work with, so as to properly understand how to most effectively design a good solution to the project. Education 2018: BSci (Pure Mathematics) Monash University 2012: BSci (Software Systems) The University of Melbourne Experience Monash University Research Assistant (Sch. of Mathematical Sciences) - June 2018 – July 2018 Writing mathematical programs in python to verify and make progress on new conjectures concerning the 3d index. Supervised by Norman Do. AMSI Summer School Research Project (Sch. of Mathematical Science) - Dec 2017 - Feb 2018 I was awarded a scholarship to work closely with my supervisors, Yann Bernard and TingYing Chen, to investigate some results concerning Wente’s inequality, in the area of Geometric Analysis. This required me to study recent mathematical literature and publish original work in the area. I also gave a presentation of my project at AMSI connect 2018, in front of other recipients of the scholarship. Gridstone Software Developer (Front end) May 2015 – July 2016 - I designed web based solutions to customer problems. I was part of several projects where I worked closely with the client in order to understand their needs and develop them into features. - I was responsible designing and implementing features for several projects. Sensen Networks Pty Ltd Software Engineer May 2012 – Feb 2015 Startup company where we developed end-to-end software solutions using computer vision to provide smart analytics to clients (license plate reading, people counting, motion tracking). My role was to develop the front end and database layers that interfaced with the backend. - I was the person mainly responsible for designing and maintaining the front end of our apps. I would - I worked with developers across different areas in order to design features and products. Sensen Networks Pty Ltd Systems Engineer August 2010 – May 2012 My role was to deploy systems at customer sites. Responsibilities included building computers and installing software, installing cameras, testing. I went to many sites and travelled out of Melbourne to Ipswich, Manly, and New Zealand for projects. Other Projects Virtual Microscope – My final year university project where my team developed a web based solution to upload high resolution images which teachers could annotate and show to students. Developed in PHP, SQLite, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. 3D PacMan – My team developed a 3D version of the popular game ‘PacMan’ in C++ and OpenGL, including dynamically generated terrains and levels. Children’s physics game – A physics-based HTML5 game to teach children about force and velocity. Developed using the GWT framework. Technical skills Javascript: reactJS, webpack, redux, D3, angularJS, node.js, jQuery, jasmine Databases: PostgresSQL, PostGIS, mySQL, SQLite, mongoDB Java: JavaEE, Spring, tomcat, hibernate, JNI, GWT, JSP C/C++: OpenGL Other languages: Python, Haskell, Bash Hardware: Integration with Cameras, arduino, mechanical arms Version control: SVN, Git, Bug tracking: JIRA, mantis Build tools: Jenkins Other: Docker Hobbies and achievements Presenter at Lunchmaths May 2018 At a weekly talk given given in the faculty of mathematics, I presented 1 hour talk on fractal geometry and it’s history. I am a member of the Monash Club of Juggling and Firetwirling. There I spin fire staffs, juggle and do partner acrobatics and give performances. I was a member of North Melbourne Toastmasters Club (2015) and won the award for best speech on two occasions. I enjoy many outdoor activities, such as bouldering, camping, snow boarding and hiking. References Benedict Hobart,Frontend Engineer at Facebook.-Ben was my lead developer at Gridstone. - Subhash Challa, CEO Sensen Networks-
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