Arun Swamy

Arun Swamy

Graphic design, Motion design, illustration,
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Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
5 years
- GRAPHIC & MOTION DESIGNER SUMMARY - SPECIALITIES Graphic designer with 4 year experience. I have an good eye for colors and aesthetic details and love to bring the message to life with visuals and animation. I love working on design compositions, illustrations and hand lettering and I believe true Love and good Design is the recipe to make this world a better place. WORK EXPERIENCE Graphic designer arunswamyy Myntra Designs 2016 The challenge was to keep the users engaged with the app. I was responsible for all the design tasks for the Myntra app’s features: SHOTS, COLLECTIONS and STYLE FORUM. Designed landing pages, banners & social media ad’s for the contests. The creatives drove 1 Million+ monthly users and 100 Million+ impressions. Responsible for designing and managing landing pages. Responsibilities included uploading the sliced page to the server, hyperlinking them and sending request to the IT team to take the contest live. Motion Design Branding Art direction Illustration Graphic Design Retouching SOFTWARE SKILLS Illustrator Photoshop After Effects Premier Pro Cinema 4D EDUCATION Digital Design - Motion Design Vancouver Film School 2017 - 2018 Graduated with honors with total average 93.8% and no absences to class during the school year Worked with various international brands like PUMA, F21, Marie Claire, UCB etc. for the contests they host on Myntra. Specialized in Motion Design. Worked on various projects involving 2D and 3D techniques. Conceptualized and designed the Myntra Shots Magazine which featured the user’s uploaded photography. Worked on branding projects involving brand strategy, positioning and art direction Visual designer Amazon 2014 - 2016 Worked for Amazon US and Amazon Europe market places. My responsibilities included designing website banners, email ads, social media ads. Worked on ad designs for various product categories - Toys, Electronics, Videogames, Wine etc... Created illustration concepts for Amazon’s Holiday Styleguide 2015. Retouch Associate Amazon 2014 Won Best portfolio, Best designer in supporting role and Best group project awards Graphic and Web Design Arena Animation 2013 Learned basic design tools - Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver. Aircraft Maintenence Engineering 2009 - 2013 Nehru college of Aeronautics Recieved on job training certificate in maintaining mechanical components of Aircrafts C90, Hawker a nd Cessna. Resoponsible for cleaning up the backgrounds on product photographs, removing stands and manequins, clearing dust and scratches and clearing tatoos and blemishes on body shots. Experineced in using photoshop actions for automating the repetetive process. CREDITS GetHappy! movie Credited on movie for designing title design, credits design and posters. - GRAPHIC & MOTION DESIGNER WORK EXPERIENCE Photoshop Trainer Sri Krishna College 2014 Familiarized students with layout of the software, using selection tools, retouch tools and color correction methods. Created syllabus and multiple level exams to assess the learning. - Won 13 design contests on various design categories infographics, flash banner ad’s, illustrations etc.. Runner up for 25 contests 5 star rating and reviews by all my clients. - ACTIVITIES Resoponsible for training 50+ students on basic photoshop tools during a 3 week intensive career based course. Freelance Designer arunswamyy Volunteer for PETA India on campaigns against animal cruelty - 2015 Indian Independance Day Campaign Trade show stall educator LANGUAGES English (Fluent) Telugu (Fluent) Tamil (Native) Malayalam (Fluent) HOBBIES Biking Hiking Doodling Hand lettering Reading Music
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