Arun Ragini

Arun Ragini

Linux, Server, Dev Ops admin with Perl, Python and Php programming skills
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Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
44 years old
Bangalore, Karnakata, India
15 years

I have vast amount of experience in Dev ops and as Perl and Python programming. Through out my employment I have worked for startup, MNC and as freelancer. Some of the recognize companies I have worked so far are 1. Cadence (Perl/Python programmer) 2. Freescale (Perl/Python Sr. programmer) 3. Adobe (Perl/Python Sr. programmer) 4. natach who are mainly into on-line marketing and products (worked as dev ops/Server admin and programmer) 5. IVR monitoring service (lead programmer and Server admin) 6. and so on and others. I believe one meeting will help you understand my true nature, loyalty and passion towards my work. I can provide complete history of my experience and areas I have covered.

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