Artak Martirosyan

Artak Martirosyan

Full stack web, reporting developer, actuary, statist, mathematician,....
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Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
43 years old
Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia
14 years
Artak Martirosyan Tel: (- (mob), E-mail:- Professional experience 08.02.15 - till now 01.12.14 - - from 01.02.12 till now - - 16.04.13 -30.09.13 15.01.13 -15.04.13 02.05.06 - - - 10.05.06 Freelance Web Developer, Researcher Visyond Ventures Ltd ( - Data Scientist Shirak Technologies ( ) - SAP BO BI Analytics Consultant OSCE Office in Yerevan - Econometric Modelling Expert Owner and creator of the Educational, Informational site Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia ( ) Laboratory of Information Theory and Applied Statistics Scientific Researcher Beeline (ArmenTell telecommunication Company) Senior specialist of development of research and reports system ACRA Credit Bureau (ACRA Credit Reporting Agency Analytical Specialist of Operational System Development and Analysis Division ”Technology Management Centre of Yerevan City” CJSC (,, Web Developer Assessment and Testing Centre ( Head of Researches and Analyses Department Yerevan State University - Lecturer “NORQ” Informational - Analytical centre ( Actuary Analyst in Actuarial Department Education 2005 –2008 2003 – 2005 1999 – 2003 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics, PhD degree of Phisicomathematical Sciences Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Department for Actuarial Sciences (Magister degree of Actuarial Mathematics) Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics (Bachelor degree of Mathematics with Honors) Languages Armenian (native language, fluent), English and Russian (good) 1 IT skills PHP, MySQL, Yii/Yii2, Symfony2 and Codeigniter Frameworks, HTML, CSS, MS SQL server, Windows, Linux, MS Office, SPSS, STATISTIKA, E-views, JMP(SAS), FastStatistics, NCSS, TiaPlas, TeX-LaTeX, MATLAB, Stata, SYSTAT, SigmaStat, SigmaPlot, SAP Cristal Reports, Mathematika, Visual basic, … Other Skiles Editorial board member - International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, SciencePG ( Published books 1. A. R. Martirosyan, Critical Risks in Collective Insurance Models, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012, ISBN-13:-, ISBN-10:-,Критические-риски-в-моделях-коллективного-страхования/isbn/- Published papers 1. A. R. Martirosyan, The Asymptotic Analysis of the Characteristics of the Insurance Models in Critical Situations, Dissertation of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Yerevan, 2008 (in Russian,, ). 2. A. R. Martirosyan, Critical Risks in Insurance Portfolios, Mathematics in Higher School, 2007, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 34 – 41 (in Russian). 3. A. R. Martirosyan, Representation in Terms of Series of One Limit Law in Theory of Queues, Scientific Notes of Yerevan State University 2, 2008 (in Russian, ). 4. A. R. Martirosyan, The Quality Characteristics of Experimented Tests, General Education. Assessment and Testing, №1, 2008, Yerevan, pp. 18-23 (in Armenian). 5. A. R. Martirosyan, The Analysis of 9-th Class Exam Experimentation Tests of Mathematics, General Education. Assessment and Testing, №2, 2008, Yerevan, pp. 36-43 (in Armenian). 6. A. R. Martirosyan, The Necessity of Scaling and Peculiarities Scaling Methods. General Education. Assessment and Testing, №3, 2008, Yerevan, pp. 43-50 (in Armenian). 7. A. R. Martirosyan, R. N. Chitchyan, The Analysis of Insurance Models with Positive Insurance Payments in a Critical Situation, Information Technologies & Management, Vol. 6, 2007, Yerevan, pp. 75 – 99 (in Russian). 8. A. R. Martirosyan, I. E. Danielyan, Approximation of Critical Risks in Insurance Portfolios, Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Vol. 108, №2, 2008, Yer., pp. 117-123 (in Russian, 9. R. N. Chitchyan, A. R. Martirosyan, Asymptotical Analysis of Negative Insurance Premiums in Critical Situations, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 2007, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 358-363 ( ,, 10. E. A. Danielian, A. R. Martirosyan, R. N. Chitchyan, On One Limit Law in the Theory of Queues, Mathematics in Higher School, Vol. 3, №3, 2007, Yerevan, pp. 10-17 (in Russian). 11. A. R. Martirosyan, Statistical Analyze of Joined Examinations Results, Conference in Armenia on “Organizational Issues, Modern Approaches, Problems and Perspectives of Unified Examinations”, 16-18 October, 2008 Tsaghkadzor, Armenia. 12. A. R. Martirosyan, Critical Risks in Models of Collective Insurance. - Magazine “Actuary”, N3, 2 2009 (in Russian, 13. A. R. Martirosyan, Statistical Analyzes of State Final Exams and Current External Assessment Results, Assessment and Testing, №1, 2010, Conference in Armenia on “Organization of Final State Exams and Issues of Pupils’ Current External Assessment”, 18-20 November, 2009, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia. 14. A. R. Martirosyan, 2009 Year Joined Examinations Results, General Education. Assessment and Testing, №2, 2009, Yerevan, pp. 3. 15. A. R. Martirosyan, Analyses of the Joined Examinations Results, General Education. Assessment and Testing, №1, 2009, Yerevan, pp. 21. 16. A. R. Martirosyan, Properties of One Limit Law in Risk Theory, Proceedings of Yerevan State University, Vol. 2, 2010, Yerevan, pp. 20-28 (,%20mathematics.pdf). 17. A. R. Martirosyan, Dual Laplace-Stieltjes Transformations of Critical Risks in Case of Negative Insurance Premiums, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, Yerevan, 2011. 18. A. R. Martirosyan, N. Bayatyan and others, Analysis of Current Assessment Results of High School, General Education. Assessment and Testing, 2011, Yerevan. 19. A. R. Martirosyan, N. Bayatyan and others, Analysis of Current Assessment Results of 6-th and 8-th classes, General Education. Assessment and Testing, 2011, Yerevan. 20. A. R. Martirosyan, New Bounds for the Increase of Growth Rate of Stock Market by Means of Reliabilities, CSIT International Conference in Armenia, 2011. 21. A. R. Martirosyan, Limit Behaviour of Characteristics of the Insurance Sum in Short-term Models of the Collective Insurance, Magazine “Actuary” (represented and accepted for publication). 22. A. R. Martirosyan, N. Bayatyan and others, Analysis of Current Assessment Results of 5-8-th classes on March 2011, General Education. Assessment and Testing, 2011, Yerevan. 23. A.R. Martirosyan, New Representation for Non Ruin Probability of Insurance Model With Rent Contracts and Its Application for Assessment of Critical Risks, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, Yerevan, 2012. 24. E. Haroutunian, A, Martirosyan, A. Yesayan, On Application of Optimal Multihypothesis Testing for the Bounds Construction for the Increase of Growth Rate of Stock Market, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 2013. Researches and Grants 1. Participation to the International research Eurostudent (sample design, data preparation, data cleaning and research of the Armenian part of data). 2. Research of Russian language proficiency level and factors affecting it in schools of the Republic of Armenia, Small Grants Program organized in- by CICED ( 3. Research and Analyse of the Results of International TIMSS 2011 Test Research Results. 4. Research and Analyse of the Results of International TIMSS 2011 Field Test Research Results. 5. Participation of the Annual Rewarding Project FRUITFULL TALENT ARMENIA YOUNG KNOWLEDGE BUILDING THE FUTURE 2009 ( 6. Research and Analyze Armenian Part of the Results of International TIMSS Advanced Research 2008. 3
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