

Teacher, Actor, Real Estate Agent
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
32 years old
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
8 years
ARIEL LUCIUS Creative, compassionate leader with established problem-solving skills. Powerful ability to motivate, manage and sell enhanced by a unique combination of interpersonal skills, organization, and confidence. CONTACT EDUCATION April 2018 Real Estate 101, DONALDSON EDUCATIONAL SERVICES May 2015 Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance, DILLARD UNIVERSITY 3.98 GPA; Summa Cum Laude; Valedictorian; Highest GPA in the College of Arts and Science; Honor’s College Applicant; Dean’s List; Alpha Kappa Alpha Southeastern Region Travel Grant Winner; Student Activities Board Promotions Coordinator; Teach for America Recruitment Fellow March 2012 Completed 58 Hours Towards Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Dean Carolyn Collins Scholarship Recipient; 5-Time Honor Society Nominee May 2010 High School Diploma, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SKILLS/CERTIFICATIONS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Typing Speed: 55 WPM Gallup Survey Strengths o Individualism, Empathy, Strategic, Connectedness, Belief Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher Photoshop Constant Contact Yardi Cashport Vendini Valid Driver’s License Valid United States Passport Crisis Prevention Intervention Trained Louisiana Teaching Certification Level 1 (1-5) Ancillary Certification: Theatre Artist EXPERIENCE July 2021 – Present Talented in Theatre Teacher, FRENCH AND MONTESSORI (AUDUBON CHARTER- UPPER CAMPUS) ♦ Talented in Theatre Teacher, responsible for 70+ Gitfted/Talented students’ IEP’s ♦ Responsible for maintaining confidential files for the state records ♦ Responsible for writing IEP’s, scheduling meetings with parents, hosting meetings, and following up with post meeting paperwork in a timely fashion ♦ Providing differentiated instruction for Talented verses General Theatre curriculums July 2020 – May 2021 Teacher, MARY D. COGHILL (ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD) ♦ Theatre Teacher ♦ Social Media Manager (Facebook and Twitter) August 2019 – February 2020 Teacher, MARY D. COGHILL (BETTER CHOICE FOUNDATION) ♦ Theatre Teacher/English Interventionist June 2015 – May 2019 Teacher, ASCENSION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD: LOWERY ELEMENTARY ♦ English/Language Arts/Social Studies/Theatre Teacher ♦ Lesson Planning ♦ Theatre Curriculum Design and Creation ♦ Monthly Student Newscast Creator/Sponsor ♦ Behavior Management/Classroom Culture Peer Support responsible for observing peers and providing them with feedback to facilitate stronger teacher/student as well as student/student relationships. Assisting with PATHS instruction. ♦ Mandatory reporter responsible for noting possible cases of student abuse and following proper protocol to ensure student safety. ♦ Crisis Team Member responsible for school safety planning in case of fire, active shooter, chemical spills, tornados, etc.
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