Anthony Martin

Anthony Martin

I help small businesses sort out their websites with dry and witty writing.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
39 years old
Cheongju, Chungbuk, Korea, Republic of
2 years

What's the difference between a cat and a comma?*

Hi, I'm Tony, a freelance copywriter with a passion for well-placed words.

To me, writing is like a beautifully-crafted sculpture. The best writers use the wiliest of words and the most suitable structures to create a work of art that stands the test of time.

Yep, we all strive to put words together to maximise their meaning everyday of our lives, some of us just happen to do it slightly better than others.

As a freelance copywriter, this is what I do for various brands each and every day, creating killer copy to give my clients the best possible chance of cutting through the noise.

So who am I?

Well, in a previous life I was an English teacher. Having lived in four different countries around the world during that particular vocation, I actually know a little something about the English language and it's, ahem, peculiarities, shall we say?

When I'm not writing or "Englishing" as one of my former students once complimented my prowess in, I can be found on the golf course or out running, obsessing over whether or not I used a comma in a social media comment three weeks back...

Just a minute, I have to go back and check now.

Turns out I did. Danger averted.

*One has claws at the ends of its paws, the other is a pause at the end of a clause.

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