Annalyn Rifaco

Annalyn Rifaco

Data Entry, Virtual Assistant, Sales, Marketing, Graphics Designer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
32 years old
Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
3 years

I have working experience in BPO,  customer service representative in retail account in GICF here in the Philippines and I got an award there for being top agent of the month and my previous company is The Results Companies I have three account handled theer the first one is Target Retail we take an order for the customers and give information when they can receive the item. next is H&R BLOCK that is for financial account we give information when they can get there tax refund, lastly is Sprint Telesales, we upgrade and sell phones, cables etc to the customers, and I got an award there for being top sales agent of the month.

I have a strong work ethic , I'am a fast learner and I'am very enthusiastic about this company and the job. I believe that my motivation and commitment will ensure that I quickly become a productive and valued member of your team.

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