Ángela Patricia Aguirre
Internationalist and master's degree in Political Science with an
emphasis on International Cooperation for Development.
Analyst of international affairs and armed conflicts.
Calle 127B Nº 6ª-50 Apto 701. Bogotá - Colombia
Phone Number:-
E - mail:-CC- de Bogotá
Master in Political Science Specialized in International Development Cooperation and
Solidarity (2012 - 2014)
Montpellier 1 University – Francia
Fieldwork Report: “The role of the OAS Mission to support the peace process in Colombia in the construction
of peace in Colombia”.
Profesional in International Relations. (2006 - 2011)
Rosario University Bogotá – Colombia
Meritorious Thesis (Research project) “Analysis of the strategies and Terrorist actions of the al Qaeda group from the perspective of the Salafist ideology. Period 2001 - 2008.” Degree requirement
to obtain the international degree at the Rosario University. Year of degree. 2011.
Basic Education abroad(2000 - 2001)
Terza Media at Scuola Media Vincenzo Pacifici Roma – Italia (Eight grade equivalent)
Basic Education. (2005)
Bachelor at Nuestra Señora de la Consolación School Bogotá – Colombia.
Research Project: “Pablo Escobar: A capo who dies and a myth that botns”. Research project in
Sociology. Aacceped and Exhibited by the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science
and Technology. COLCIENCIAS. Year 2005.
Other Studies.
Management of international projects for Development. Montpellier 1 University. Montpellier –
France. (2013 – 2014).
Humanitarian Law Course. International Red Cross. (February2015)
Online Course: Approach to rights and gender equality in policies, programs and Projects.
Department of human Development, education and employment of the organization of American
States (OAS). (2016)
Professional Experience
Analyst of armed conflict for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace Agreement in Colombia
(JEP) – (May 2018 – August 2022) – Qualitative, quantitative and geographic analysis in the
Information Analysis group (GRAI).
CV: Ángela Patricia Aguirre Jiménez
Consultant for the preparation of reports for the JEP on the participation of “Third”
parties linked to paramilitarism. Corporate Accountability in the context of transitional
justice. (May 2017 – march 2018 ) – Investigation and Analysis for Citizen security Direction
(FGN); y Propaz Project of the German International Agency- GIZ.
Academic evaluator of text publication (February to March of 2017 ) - Rosario University
International Relations Coordinator (September - November 2016) – Jurisprudence Faculty.
Rosario University.
Consultant on Transitional Justice Area and DDR– Work on the field - (November 2015 –
August 2016) – Mission to support the Peace Process in Colombia of the OAS. MAPP/OEA
Consultant on Transitional Justice, Human Rights and Forced Disappearance. November
2014 – September 2016) – Rosario University and Naranjo Abogados (Lawyer´s Buffet)
Internship in the area of Transitional Justice – Judicial and prision monitoring of the
Justice and Peace process in Colombia (February 2014 – September 2014) - MAPP – OEA
Junior Professional of Gender and Communication Area Sensitization and training of
judicial officials in the visibility and prosecution of GBV in the context of the armed conflict
whithin the framework of Law 975 of 2005; Management and administration of the website of
the project. (March 2011 – Sept 2012) - ProFis Project (GIZ - Colombia)
Internship in the Gender Area (June 2010 – March 2011)
ProFis Project to support the peace process in Colombia within the framework of the Justice and
Peace Law. (GIZ– Colombia)
Knowledge of Languages
Italian: Good
English: Good
French: Good
Spanish: Mother Tongue
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Acuerdo Intergeneracional: un principio de solidaridad de la Especie. Article in Nova et Vetera
Magazine–Rosario University. August of 2020.
Oportunidades sin capacidades: las trampas del (Sub) Desarrollo en colombia. Article in Nova et Vetera
Magazine–Rosario University. July of 2018..
Mujer, crisis y conflictos armados: el lado oscuro de la ayuda humanitaria y la cooperación internacional.
Capítulo del libro: De Género y Guerra: Nuevos enfoques en los conflictos armados actuales.
Estudios generales Tomo III. Colección de textos de Jurisprudencia, Rosario University Editorial.
Para avanzar hacia una democracia paritaria: Una perspectiva de género multidimensional e
integral. Article in Nova et Vetera Magazine–Rosario University. November of 2015.
¿Por qué es importante la memoria histórica en Colombia?. Article in Nova et Vetera Magazine–
Rosario University. April of 2015.
Currículo: Ángela Patricia Aguirre Jiménez
Visibilizar la Violencia Basada en Género. Sistematización de la experiencia en Género. Proyecto
ProFis – GIZ. Alvi Printers. November of 2011. (Collaboration)
Speaker at the international Scientific and cultural week 2019: “Sustainable development goals”
With the conference: “De las desigualdades a las oportunidades: Análisis y propuestas para la
superación de las brechas de género en el proceso de Justicia Transicional en Colombia”. Sinú
University. Cartagena – Colombia (October 2019)
Speaker at the international seminar: “Problemas actuales de los DDHH: mecanismos y acceso a
la justicia internacional para su defensa en el marco del Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo”
with the conference La retrospectiva de la violencia sexual en los conflictos armados e impunidad.
Institute for the Research, Human Development, Society and Human Rights Madrid. (2015)
Gender awareness Seminars and interview techniques for victims of sexual violence. ProFis
Project of the GIZ and Department of Justice of the United States Embassy in Colombia – USAID
-. (June of 2011)
Job References
Andreas Forer (Director of ProFis Project)
ProFis - GIZ - Colombia-)
Daniel Millares (Director Transitional Justice Area)
Calle 72 No. 5 - 90
Phone Number:-
Claudia López Díaz (Magistrate – JEP )
Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz-)
Cra 7 Nº 63 - 44
Phone Number:-
Juan Pablo Cardona (Magistrte – JEP)
Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz-
Cra 7 Nº 63 - 44
Phone Number:-
Gloria Bernal (Lawyer and Writter)
Naranjo Abogados-
Calle 67 Nº 4A - 15
Phone Number:-
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