Anda Roxana Nenu
Software Engineer
Mobile phone:-
Date of birth: 11 september 1992
Email :-
2011 - 2015 : University Politehnica of Bucharest
The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers
Computer Science
Computer Programming (C), Data Structures (C++), Algorithms Analysis, Object
Oriented Programming (Java), Compilers, Artificial Intelligence, Web
Programming, Programming Paradigms, Computer Graphics, Formal Languages
and Automata, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Communication Protocols,
Local Area Networks, Operating Systems, Database, Software Engineering,
Computer Systems Architecture, Multiprocessor Design, Assembly, Electronics,
English (advanced), Romanian (native) , Spanish (advanced), French (beginner)
National Olympiad of Mathematics ( 2 years - participation )
National Olympiad of Physics ( 1 year – participation)
Javascript, ReactJS,
HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, responsive web design
C, C++
Java (OOP, Threading), Spring Framework, MVC, GWT
Mongo, Oracle, SQL
Design Patterns
Work Experience
june 2015 - present
Clarisoft Technologies
● Software Developer
started as an iOS Developer, then moved on projects with backend written in
NodeJS and frontend in ReactJS. The main database that we used was mongo, and
the instances, the load balancer, servers, database were hosted by AWS. I’ve
worked directly with clients, answer to their requests and emails, get the proper
changes done.
ianuary - april 2015
Tremend Software Consulting
● Internship Java Software Developer
march - september 2014 Business Software Integrator
● Software Developer using Java, GWT, Oracle, Agile
I’ve worked on an ERP solution for hotel management.
june – september 2013 Allevo
● Internship as a Java software developer
We worked there on an open source solution for a banking processor. Used Java
with Oracle on the backend and HTML, CSS3, Javascript for frontend.
❏ Simulating the activity of a cluster : simulating, using Python, the behaviour
of a cluster's nodes.
❏ Mini-shell : implementation of a simple-shell, which supports external
commands with multiple arguments, internal commands, pipes and
❏ Simulating a MPI network : simulating, using MPI and C a network.
❏ Parallel computing using MPI : Implementing an algorithm that calculates
the Mandelbrot and Julia sets for a polynomial function and display the
results in a grayscale image.
❏ Document indexing using MapReduce : Parallel program in Java for
documents indexing using the MapReduce programming model for
processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.
❏ Geometry War Game : basic war game 2D using OpenGL
❏ Race Car Game : race car game 3D using OpenGL
❏ Hackathons : NutriApp (android app for a hackathon that monitors you daily
diet), Virtual Library (php, sql app for a hackathon that simulates a virtual
library) , Federated Search Engine
14 - 20 september 2014: Start Me Up - The Entrepreneurship School
A scholarship to an entrepreneurship summer school, where I learned the
basics steps in creating a start-up from planning, marketing to development and
bussines planning.
2 – 5 october 2013 :
Facebook's 2013 Grace Hopper Scholarship
A scholarship to US, that helped me attend one of the biggest conferences in
the world on gender diversity. There were only 30 awards given by Facebook
worldwide. I was the only one from Europe.
11 - 17 august 2013 :
Google European Android Camp
A scholarship to UK, to study about Android at Google and at the end
present a project.
Hackthons, Big Data, Predictions using Data, Data Maning, Machine Learning
Music of 80s, 90s; Drawing, Reading – especially Spanish novels;
Long walkings in the afternoon; Knitted & Crochet