Aman Chawla

Aman Chawla

MERN Stack Developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
40 years old
Chandigarh, Punjab, India
8 years


Over the last 8+ years of experience I have worked using multiple technologies and I got the specialization using MERN stack technologies.

More details of my skills set are as below:

-Thorough understanding of React.js, Node js, Angular js and its core principles

-Developing user friendly features using React.JS

-React.js workflows such as Flux or Redux

-Completely familiar with RESTful APIs

-Also having skills using Node JS, Angular JS, Vue js, Jason Web tocken, NPM etc.

-Familiar with the tools like Git, SVN, Bitbucket etc.

-Abilities to fix complex issues.

I love to take this opportunity to work on your project as well and can assure you to deliver quality standards code.

Looking forward to work for you.


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