Aliana Panuelos

Aliana Panuelos

Best in sales and collecting bad debts.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
Mandaluyong City, Philippines, Philippines
3 years
 ALIANA YEE PANUELOS Block 39, Welfareville Cmpd, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City -- ________________________________________________________________________________ Objective: Pursuing opportunity which allow me to grow professionally, while effectively my versatile skill set to help promote your corporate mission and exceed team goals. Summary of Qualifications: Extremely motivated and passionate in whatever I choose to do. Strong interpersonal and communication skills and know how to handle with different kinds of people and circumstances, Equally effective working independently and in cooperation with others. _________________________________________________________________________________ Educational Background: • College: Hotel and Restaurant Management Arellano University - (2015) • Secondary: Alternative Learning System (ALS) Deped - (2008) • Primary: Pedro P. Cruz Elementary School - (2003) Work History: •Collection/Legal Officer/Sales Account Executive – 2016 to 2019 Lloyd’s Financing Corporation Responsibilities: Collection and Legal - Attempt to locate and contact clients primarily over the phone. Compile and evaluate information needed to collect delinquent accounts. Recommend and initiate legal proceedings on enforcement actions. Make field collections and perform other duties as required. Sales Account Executive: Create detailed Sales business plans, Set and manage sales goals quota, assist in finding prospects and leads, build strong client relationship. •Personal Family Driver- Responsibilities: I drive for my employer and her family to appointments and engagements including work and school. I drive them to evening and weekend outings. I also include arranging regular cleaning and maintenance services for the vehicle. Planning each route based on the road traffic conditions. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Skills: • Good negotiation skills • Time management skills • Enthusiastic and Passionate • Team player • Adaptability
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