Aliaksandr Yanchuk

Aliaksandr Yanchuk

React.js / javascript / actionscript (flex) developer.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
38 years old
Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
12 years
About me Desktop / web frontend developer (javascript, flash / flex)​. Adobe certified expert in Flex 4​. Speaking russian, english and japanese​. Based in Japan​. Aliaksandr Yanchuk Skills HTML Contact Info Java Script Web Development Current City Fukuoka, Japan Email - React Front-end Developer ActionScript Flex        Work Experience Colada ag Minsk, Belarus February 2013 Until now Web Developer Working on various "colada" family applications' frontend, including architect, developing and tests. From the start development was based on Flex and then on transferring all what were written to html/js. Belprime Solutions Minsk, Belarus February 2011 to February 2013 Chislennye Metody Minsk, Belarus January 2009 to February 2011 Brightech Minsk, Belarus January 2007 to January 2009 NIIEVMservice Minsk, Belarus January 2005 to January 2007 Flex/Java Developer Developing web-based application on Flex and backend on Java Flex Developer Implementing server logic from scratch in small team and planning/implementing whole UI functionality Java Developer Implemented core UI usability, connectivity with backend logic Junior Software Engineer Destkop application UI development (based on Delphi), some database managment Education Belarus State University Informatics and mathematics Achievements Relationship status Married Certificate Adobe ACE in Flex 4 from Adobe Updated on 2017 November 19th
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