Alexey Ivanov

Alexey Ivanov

Full Stack Web Developer
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
38 years old
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
12 years

I'm experienced developer and architect with 12+ years' practice of developing scalable and fast web applications.

✅ Languages: C#, TypeScript/JavaScript, T-SQL

✅ Backend: ASP.NET Core/MVC, SignalR, Identity Server, Akka.Net, Orleans, EventStore, Web API, OData, WCF

✅ Frontend: TypeScript, HTML5, Bootstrap 3/4, Angular, VueJS, CSS/SASS

✅ Databases: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis, InfluxDB

✅ Desktop: Electron

✅ Cloud: Azure 

✅ Tools: Visual Studio, Rider, VS Code, Webpack, Node.JS, SVN, Git, GitHub, BitBucket, Jira, TeamCity, Docker, Influx, Graphana, Elasticsearch, BenchmarkDotNet 

✅ Process: TDD, Agile Development, Benchmarking, Version Control (SVN, Git), CI/CD, GitHub, BitBucket, Jira

My code:

✅ Clean

✅ Maintainable 

✅ Performant

✅ Secure

✅ Scalable 

Fields of interests: IT security, running, boxing.

Feel free to drop me a line if you are interested in qualified development services.

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