Alejandro Heredia

Alejandro Heredia

Internal Control - Audit - Investor Relations - Corporate Finance - Financial Analysis
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
40 years old
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
10 years
Alejandro Heredia Navarro E-mail:-Cell phone: 011+(52)+1+(81)- ACADEMIC FORMATION Master: MBA in Global Business Strategy from EGADE BUSINESS SCHOOL (2015 - 2016) DUAL DEGREE MBA with The Belk College of Business at the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE Bachelor of Arts: ECONOMICS from ITESM CAMPUS MONTERREY (2002 - 2007) BUSINESS SKILLS Research, Leadership, Analysis, Adaptability, Diplomacy, Team work, Consulting, Negotiation, Financial Analysis, Credit and Leases, Internal Control, Audit, Process Redesign, Startups, Investor Relations, Diagrams/Flowcharts, ERPs. GLOBAL MBA - INTERNAL CONTROL SR. CONSULTANT – CORPORATE FINANCE – ERP - ENTREPRENEUR - Global MBA that prepares executives to practice in a multi-cultural environment. - Internal Control at Crexento as a Sr. Consultant: Audit Testing and elaboration of Policies, Manuals, Procedures and Risk & Control Matrix. Coordinating tasks with clients to complete projects in Leadership position. - Axtel and Banamex: Corporate Finance, Investor Relations, Corporate Financing and Credit Analysis. - Castelec International: ERP implementation. - Past Entrepreneurial Activities. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CREXENTO’S CLIENTS: FEMSA / LOGRAND GROUP / UDEM / PCM / RED AMBIENTAL at Monterrey, NL, Mexico. Internal Audit / Sr. Consultant (2012 - Present) As a consultant developing audit testing in areas such as accounting, treasury, human resources, pricing, promotions, financial factoring among others, in various business units within the corporate FEMSA (a very important Mexican group dedicated to sale and marketing of beverages and foods). These business units are Heineken, Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc, Coca Cola KOF, among others. Achievements: Gained experience on Audit Testing in a corporation, gained the ability to discover numerous audit findings and propose improvements making adjustments in the company risk matrix. Participation in the development of Microsoft Visio flows and narratives and manuals of administrative processes that uses Logrand Group, a major casino corporation in Mexico. Achievements: Helped organized the company and structure processes. Project at University of Monterrey (UDEM), actively involved in processes redesign of the student life cycle (admissions, enrollment, academic training, accounts receivable, graduation). This redesign is done in two steps, in an AS-IS assessment of how the process is now, later reaching a TO-BE, which establish processes improvements and a redesign. Achievements: Senior consultant on the project in UDEM with leadership tasks such as organizing and supporting a group of 10 analysts; Teaching general tasks, software use, approach to the client (sometimes in a managerial level), giving advice, and controlling assistance. Working in a consulting team constructing the Risk and Control Matrix for Red Ambiental and Policies and Procedures Documentation for PCM (Papeles y Conversiones de Mexico). Project by project basis. Achievements: Working under pressure, polishing business and client approaching skills and coordinating tasks with clients to achieve the completion of projects. AXTEL at Monterrey, NL, Mexico. Investor Relations and Corporative Financing Analyst (2011 - 2012) In Investor Relations: Prepared the quarterly and annual financial reports of the company to the stock exchange. Had direct contact with investors physically and by phone to present them the current financial situation of the company and its successes. Corporate Financing: Managed leasing and large loans that the Company had with different banks. In charge of processing payments of principal, interest and fees. Elaboration of the maturity debt report and presenting debt analysis to top management. Achievements: Professional contact with people from other countries while working in a public company that reports to the stock exchange: great responsibility, and managing an important area of a company (leases) almost in its entirely. Alejandro Heredia Navarro E-mail:-Cell phone: 011+(52)+1+(81)- BANAMEX (CITIGROUP MEXICAN SUBSIDIARY) at Monterrey, NL, and Mexico City, Mexico. Business Banking Risk and Credit Analyst (2008 - 2011) Prepared horizontal and vertical financial analysis of companies with monthly sale of one million pesos. Kept control of client archives for semestral and annual credit revisions. Later had the opportunity to travel and work in Mexico City, in Banamex Headquarters in Santa Fe for a period of one year in remedial management, managing customer records that fell into default: made analysis of these companies and explained default reasons. These studies were needed to assemble files called “punishment files” which the bank needed to make necessary accounting treatments. Achievements: Complete immersion with the organizational culture of Citigroup and an understanding of how to work on a global business. Polished financial analysis abilities. CASTELEC INTERNATIONAL at Monterrey, NL, Mexico. ERP Consultant (2007 - 2008) Consulting different companies in areas such as management, banks, acquisitions, clients, accounting, storage and finance to implement our company ERP. Met with high level people to resolve problems. Achievements: First job and contact with the business world, as well as with clients. KNOWLEDGE, COURSES AND ABILITIES FMA’s Finance Certification Part of SALEC Student Association (Students of Economics Association from Tec de Monterrey). Software Design Certification (Great comprehension of general programming skills, languages and software. English – Advanced (TOEFL IBT 94). Classes from Master Degree were in English. Summer courses in Charlotte and Boston (2015 and 2016). Microsoft Office – Advance use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Visio. SAP – Basic (Reporting) PAST ENTREPRENURIAL EXPERIENCE BEST GADGET CLUB SA DE CV at Monterrey, NL, Mexico. Co-founder (2015) Experience as an entrepreneur, managing a company that sells electronics; computers, tablets, laptops, video games and general gadgets. Coordinated online presence, sales, distribution, administration and publicity. Achievements: Experience forming the company from zero, from incorporation to closing because of low sales.
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