Ajay Iyer

Ajay Iyer

Skilled content writer and marketer with a demonstrated history of working in the digital industry.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2 years
  • MBA graduate in Marketing from Mumbai University.
  • Flexible writer for a variety of web and multi-platform applications.
  • Sharp eye for detail (spelling, grammar, tonality).
  • Able to meet tight deadlines and work with subject matter experts, adapting their knowledge into stories, articles, summaries and more.

My objective is to advance my career and enhance my writing skills and become a part of a pool of highly experienced and talented team of writers, editors, and copywriters.

My work so far-

  • Have written high-quality content articles on various topics such as Motivation, Self-improvement, Self-development, events, event marketing, ancient cultures, social media, religion etc.
  • Edit and rewrite articles assigned from time to time
  • Perform extensive web research to collect pertinent data and gather images related to the assigned article
  • Write specialized SEO based content for websites and blogs.
  • Good knowledge of social media marketing
  • Write email messages for advertisement purposes and design the layout of the email messages for marketability and ease of viewing on various platforms such as mobile phones, tablet computer, and other such devices where email messages may be accessed from.
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