Aira Marie Bagacay

Aira Marie Bagacay

Envi. Scientist - data, research, project management, and administrative support.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
Taguig, Ncr, Philippines
1 year
AIRA MARIE P. BAGACAY Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines | WORK EXPERIENCE Graduate Environmental Scientist January 2024 – present Jacobs Projects (Philippines), Inc. (JPPI) Mandaluyong City ●​ Conducts baseline studies including socioeconomics, soil and water monitoring, terrestrial and freshwater ecology, and others relevant to the project. ●​ Conducts stakeholder engagements including key informant interviews, focus group discussions and enumerators’ training. ●​ Writing of socioeconomic modules for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA) reports. ●​ Schedule meetings and appointments with stakeholders, private institutions, government bodies etc. ●​ Drafting and delivery of letters and requests for secondary data and stakeholder engagements. ●​ Data entry, validation and analysis of perception and household survey forms. Intern | Field Training Laguna Lake Development Authority April – June 2023 Quezon City ●​ Take part in conducting a feasibility study and assessment for a sewage treatment plant project. ●​ Conducted streamflow measurement and calculated pollution loading. ●​ Evaluated and validated raw data from field monitoring for quarterly and annual reports. ●​ Conducted preparation, sampling, sample preservation and analyses of water samples from Laguna de Bay and its tributary rivers, also includes commercial wastewater. ●​ Prepared and presented progress report of tasks and activities conducted during the on-the-job training. EDUCATION BS Environmental Science Technological University of the Philippines ●​ Cum Laude (GWA: 1.674) ●​ Dean’s Lister -) Achievement and Others: ●​ Taguig City Scholar -) RELEVANT SKILLS Software/Tools: Technical Skills: Interpersonal Skills: November 3, 2023 Taguig City Microsoft Office, Google Suite Research, Data Analysis, Data Validation Team Player, Flexible, Organized, Responsible, Time Management ORGANIZATIONS Jacobs ACE Network – Philippines | IT / Communications Lead Philippine Association of Environmental Science Students | Member TUPT Green Chemistry Society | Member 2024 – present 2022 - present 2019 - present SEMINARS/ TRAININGS/ CERTIFICATIONS ●​ Orientation on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Integration into the Philippine EIS System for EIA Preparers 2025, EMB Central Office ●​ HAZWOPER 8-hr Refresher Training Course 2025, Jacobs ●​ Certificate of Accomplishment for Ecosystem Restoration 2022, Learning for Nature
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