Agus Priyanto

Agus Priyanto

WordPress Theme & Plugin Developer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
39 years old
Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
10 years

I am a full stack WordPress developer based in Bandung, Indonesia. I started freelancing in 2009 and have worked for a wide range of personal clients and agencies.

I help digital design agencies, businesses and other freelancers in Indonesia and across the world make their web projects great.

I have wide knowledge of many modern technologies in web development stack -- from low-level networking protocols and system tweaking (debian, nginx, apache) to server-side programming (PHP, MySQL) to client-side programming (HTML5 APIs, Javascript, AngularJS). I could solve the programming task of any complexity for you.

I prefer to develop complex and unique web and / or user interface instead of creating simple websites similar to each other. I love new things and new technology.

Here are my WordPress experiences:

  • Create WordPress theme/plugin from scratch.
  • Convert PSD / other image files to WordPress.
  • Customize existing themes, plugins and widgets.
  • Page speed optimization.

WordPress Themes/Plugins framework experiences:

  • OptimizePress.
  • Canvas (Woothemes).
  • Genesis.
  • Visual Composer.
  • Beaver Builder (Theme & Plugin).
  • Underscore.
  • Gravity Form.
  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF).
  • Woocommerce.
  • etc.

Programming Language:

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Javascript (jQuery, Angular.js)
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Ajax

Payment process experiences:

  • Stripe API, Paypal Express Checkout & Digital Goods, Gumroad, Skrill integration.

Deployment infrastructure experiences:

  • Heroku, Amazon Web Service (EC2), DigitalOcean.

Development tools:

  • Git (Github/bitbucket)
  • Continuous Integration: CircleCi, CodeShip.

Thanks for visiting my profile, just contact me even for just say hi or want to discuss about your project or your idea. I hope it worth your time :-)

Best regards,


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