Abrham Diriba

Abrham Diriba

Flutter, Angular and Nodejs developer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
32 years old
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Ethiopia
7 years

A young vibrant individual with a strong educational and technical background in electrical and computer engineering. A great communicator who presents ideas clearly and effectively. Eager to learn new things and be part of a change to make the surrounding better. Efficient and resourceful in Front End Development with almost 4 years of experience, a strong understanding of Flutter and Dart technology, and a prodigious understanding of Angular. Bilingual, astute, and high-quality output-driven.

A highlight of my work experience. (You can find full detail on my resume)

I have worked as a front-end developer both as a freelancer and a full-time developer in local companies. I am a front-end dev junky because it expresses my imagination of a better and more competitive product compared to the market. I have 4+ years of experience and worked in completely different environments. I trained coworkers and interns from scratch to gradually develop them into developers. The software I collaborated with is still running and used by thousands of people locally.

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