Abhishek Pandey

Abhishek Pandey

Digital Marketing + PPT Presentation +Research + Amazon + VCS + Start up
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Delhi, Delhi, India
10 years
ABHISHEK PANDEY INDIA |-| @ABHISHEK_RAISON Objective An innovator of many projects. Opting science stream and pursuing the studies within the same by him was just a result of his curiosity and ambition to see the science and technology taking this world to the apex of development and the role of innovators in the very same. He had always been quite bothered to see that most probably due to the lack of confidence and platforms, many of the time, the skill and power of innovating minds are pushed into an abyss of darkness i.e. they are not given the required attention so, considering it as a ghastly experience, he attempts to inspire the upcoming young generation and generating innovators, he says that still, obviously many enhancements and innovations have yet to come, so one should tighten the belts to frame this world, within all kinds of facilities and to prove it not to be an over the statement and vaunt, the information is enough that he has raised a step forward in set freely the vehicles from dependence on inflammable fuels which are likely to be exhausted by upcoming decades. Education • • • Diploma, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING European University. Google Certified, DIGITAL MARKETING Bachelor of Technology, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Uttar Pradesh Technical University. Achievements · · · · · · · · · Developed Efficient SOLAR CAR. Developed INVERTER CAR TECHNOLOGY Developed ELECTROMECHANICAL POWER BRIDGE Developed POWER BIKE TECHNOLOGY Developed HYDRODYNAMIC POWER GENERATOR Expert lecture on Embedded System and its Applications in various Engineering colleges in Kanpur. Expert lecture on Manual Robotics at IIT Kanpur under Dr. H.C. Verma (Prof., IIT Kanpur) Winner of UPTEC Talent Search Scholarship organized by UPTEC Computer Consultancy Ltd. 2nd prize winner in Robowar competition at Techkriti, IIT Kanpur. Research Papers ❑ Utilisation of Solostatic Technology in Automobiles. World-first efficient solar power technology in automobiles segment - August). ❑ Utilisation of Green Technology in Automobiles. World-first twin power technology in automobiles segment (2007 sep-2008 sep). ❑ Electromechanical Power Bridge Self-power producing power technology through vibrations for Indian railways. ❑ Hydrodynamic power generator Portable hydropower generator, power generation through water (2008 Jan-2013 Oct) ❑ Utilization of Green technology in bikes World-first Twin power technology for Indian two-wheeler segments. (2008 Oct-2010 Jan) ❑ The Unconventional Energy tower. World-first combination of Air, Solar, and Geothermal power-producing tower. (2008Oct-2008 Dec) ❑ The Project Kanpur. Electricity through Smoke and the fuel is Non-Biodegradable Garbage. (2009 Mar- 2012 Mar) Work in Progress 1. Anti-lock Eddy Braking System High profile Braking System, Suitable for speed 150 KM/Hr or More. 2. Hydro Powered Vehicle The concept for all types of Vehicles will run only on waste water only. 3. Auto Motive Workshops No man workshops. Live Projects · · · · · · · · · · · AUTO TRANSFORMER MONITORING DESIGN VALUE OF COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGE AUTOMOBILE DESIGNING HIGH LINE ENGINES STRUCTURE HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION GROUNDING MATERIAL TESTING (INDIAN RAILWAYS) AC DC GENERATOR SOLO STATIC DISTRIBUTION NETWORK GEOTHERMAL POWER STATION DESIGN INDUCTION CONVERSION AS A GENERATOR WINDPOWER TESTING IN AUTOMOBILES Page 2 · · · · · · · · · · · CONCEPT OF TURBINES IN HIGH-PRESSURE PUMPS TRUSSES AND STRUCTURE DESIGN DIFFRENTIAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS SOLAR PANEL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING SAVIONICS AND DARIUS DESIGNS AND MANUFACTURING ELECTRONIC BALLAST LOAD CONTROLLERS TRACTION MOTOR DESIGNS BOTH AC / DC ELECTRICITY THROUGH HYDROGEN GEARBOX DESIGN TIMING GEARBOX WITH TIMING BELT FOR AUTOMOBILES REVERSE OSMOSIS IN RIVERS And many more…………… Presentations and Awards-. Academic Excellence Award 2010 First in Model presentation, Solar Car, PANACHE, APJU, NCTI WASHINGTON DC Technical Poster Presentation, INDIA 2020, PANACHE, APJU Utilization of solo static technology in automobiles, IIT KANPUR, NCTI WASHINGTON DC. Utilization of solo static technology in automobiles, BRY AIR ASIA AWARDS. Utilization of green technology in automobiles, IIT ROORKEE. Utilization of green technology in automobiles, BRY AIR ASIA AWARDS Electromechanical Power Bridge, C.S.E JHANSI Electromechanical Power Bridge, Indian Railways Hydrodynamic power generator, MANIT BHOPAL. Hydrodynamic power generator, C.S.E JHANSI Utilization of Green technology in bikes, C.S.E JHANSI International Research Calls • CES 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 LAS VEGAS NEVADA, NEWYORK and WASHINGTON DC. • (8th November 2012): Attempted for a LIMCA Book of Records concept on a “SMART TOWNSHIP”. (22nd March 2013): Biggest Intelligent Wireless Display on Breadboard. • Page 3 Other Projects Automatic Toll-Tax System Wireless Door Lock & Security LPG Gas leak alarm Voice Controlled wheel chair Agricultural Robot ▪ ▪ Digital Clock using LCD Display Digital Clock using LED’s Garden Automation ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Speed control of DC Motor Temperature Sensor based fan speed Password Based Circuit Breaker Irrigation motor control using GSM ▪ ▪ RFID Access System ▪ ▪ Wireless automatic health monitoring system ▪ ▪ ▪ Pay and Use System ▪ Street Light Control ▪ Colour Detection Wall Detector Laser Communication Path Finder RPM Counter Water Level Indicator Event Counter Electrical /Home appliances Controlling through cell phone Vehicle Speed Measurement ▪ Latitude & Longitude Positioning system using GPS GPS Clock Automatic Door Lock controlling through Call and Message Serial Port Communication Using MATLAB and VB.NET GUI Development using MATLAB & .NET ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Temp Monitoring System Wireless Commu. using Xbee Accelerometer based message Display Automatic bus tracking system Data acquisition system Wall Follower Robot Self-balancing Robot Smart home Energy meter using GSM Racing Robot Line Follower Robot Light Follower Robot Intelligent Office Manual Robotics Hand Fighting Robot Automatic car parking system using GSM Wireless VB GUI Based stepper Motor Control Page 4
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