LocSea.com is a registered company in India.
Registered Business Name: LocSea Software Development Private Limited
Founded on 5th August 2012 by experts with 15 Years of IT Expertise.
Faculty Partner, “Government of India” Micro Small Medium Enterprises Development Institute (MSME-DI), Ministry of MSME.
Faculty Partner, “TiE – (Madras IIT) The Indus Entrepreneurs”, Chennai Chapter
Faculty Partner, “Government of Tamilnadu ” Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI)
Faculty Partner, Infosys
LocSea.com is a Google Partner (Reference Link: https://www.google.com/partners/?hl=en-US#a_profile;idtf=3282736605;)
Featured in Puthiya Thalaimurai TV for providing Affordable Training Solution on latest technologies in partnership with Government of India and Government of Tamilnadu.
LocSea provided training on latest topics (such as E-Commerce, Digital Marketing, Analytics, etc.,) to 1360 Professionals / Entrepreneurs / Students in last 3 Years.
Book Publications (Jan 2015)
"Digital Marketing using Google Services" Book by Team LocSea. Available from Amazon Book Store and Google Play Books.
LocSea Employs Qualified Web Developers, Google and Microsoft Bing Certified Digital Marketing Professionals to handle our Portal Operation.
Served 146 Corporate Clients Worldwide
Incorporation Details:Incorporated On 16th April 2013