Fora Soft

Fora Soft

Pioneers in video & multimedia software since 2005
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
19 years ago

We develop e-learning, telemedicine, and video surveillance products. Augment reality, launch Internet TV, and recognize objects on video. Our specialization is video & multimedia software. We don’t work on anything else. 105 people team. Since 2005.

We don’t only develop, but also plan and wireframe your product so that users love it. We also do promotion so that they know about it.

Companies and startups come to us to create new products and improve existing ones.

❓How to choose a developer to get a cool top software product❓ Check that the contractors:

✅ Have cool products like yours in portfolio. Ours:

☺ Sony Music, Virgin Records, Universal use a DJ music pool

☺ is the 1st HTML5 + WebRTC virtual classroom in the world. Bronze at Brandon Hall 2017, after SAP and Dell :)

☺ Super Power FX has 4.6 of 5 in AppStore with 7500 reviews and 30 clones in Google Play. This video editor adds super powers to videos

☺ Video surveillance system works with 2000 IP cameras in 400 US organizations. Those are police departments, doctor education and child advocacy centers

✅ Develop for all the platforms you need. We cover:

  • web

  • iOS and Android phones and tablets

  • smart TV

  • desktop

  • VR headsets

Develop web apps that work on mobile browsers, for example, video chats.

✅ Have the right processes you know in advance. Ours are:

1 - Sales managers are 1st level software analysts. They clarify your needs. Then give 3 results: user stories, recommended technologies, and estimations based on previous projects.

User stories are what each type of user can do in your product. They describe your requirements more clearly than “functions”. It’s hard to say if a list of tech terms has all you need. But what you know exactly is what your users do.

2 - Analysts clarify details and draw wireframes. They are mockups of all the pages with clickable buttons. So you can play with your app before it’s developed and make cheap changes. We calculate project time and price estimation based on wireframes.

3 - Designers draw clickable graphic design prototypes.

4 - Team of developers, test engineer and project manager develops the product.

5 - The team installs it on your server and helps with app stores submission. We do maintenance - part-time work on minor improvements after launch.

6 - Promoting the product: SEO, ASO, SMM, paid advertisement.

✅ Estimate reasonably. We do it this way:

Estimate each user story. What we have done before - based on how much it took in the past. New ones - a Lead developer estimates. He splits tasks into small subtasks for accuracy and goes through checklists to not miss any potential problem.

The CEO finalizes all the proposals. His article on estimation:

Message us to discuss and estimate your project. We give user stories and recommend technologies for free after a call. We reply on the same workday :)

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