Brand Dew Media

Brand Dew Media

Writing, editing, graphic design, video production and editing, and website design.
Pay rates:
Available members:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
8 years ago
Displaying 2 members
Danielle Dewar
Danielle Dewar
Writing, editing, client management, video editing, graphic design, website design.
Brand Dew Media Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Danielle has worked in marketing and communications for nearly 15 years. She currently works as a freelancer serving major comp...
Brandon Birch Smollet
Brandon Birch Smollet
Writing, video production and video editing.
Brand Dew Media Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Brandon Smollet is a Co-founder and Brand Dew Media. He has been a writer for over 15 years. He has worked on multiple televisi...
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