“Down-Time is Up-Time For Innovators & Entrepreneurs”
Yes, Sure, the Corona Virus has the people, businesses and economic
markets of the world on hold. And it is going to last for months possibly.
While it is a sad time for all, its also the time for standalone innovative
startups to thrive. Moreover, the world needs you too.
A business model that can withstand the current discourse effectively is
what the goal should be. Its not just about the current discourse even, It
could be the futuristic model of business that every one is looking for.
What is the best way for your business to run smoothly under a crisis
like this?
How can you provide your service to a client safely even now?
Remember, it can be an effective way for other critical periods to come
in the future too.
So, if you have a business idea;
or if you have a business to run;
or service to provide; under current circumstances, The PitchPortal is
the place for the impactful collaboration that you need to make happen.
Don’t forget, the world is betting on you.
Ad text for a meeting space platform
for innovative entrepreneurs &
investers during corona