5 Unique Needs of International Real Estate Clients
5 Unique Needs of Global and International Real
Estate Clients
Shanea Patterson
Company: Confidential
(X) Unique Needs of Global Real Estate Clients
Word Count
386 (300+ word level)
Global and international real estate clients have different needs
than domestic clients, and in order to get their business, you'll need
to know exactly what they're looking for in a property and a real
estate agent. Here are five unique needs of global and international
real estate clients.
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. Global and
international clients need an individual taxpayer identification
number (ITIN) from the IRS in order to purchase property in the
United States. The number is used for tax reporting purposes to
help them comply with U.S. tax laws. Inform your client ahead of
time that the process typically takes three months or longer, so they
should apply prior to starting their property search.
Different Business Approach. Doing business with a client outside
of the United States requires a different level of business acumen
than you'd normally use. For instance, you'll need to do research on
the culture you're dealing with and study their business tactics.
You'll need to adjust certain traits, such as formality, directness,
assertiveness, and enthusiasm, among others, according to your
client's needs.
Specific Locations. Global and international real estate clients have
buying patterns, just like domestic real estate clients do. Knowing
which locations are ideal for foreign clients will allow you to help
them find the property they're looking for. According to the
National Association of Realtors, the top states where foreigners
purchase property include California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, and
New Jersey.
Someone Who Speaks Their Language. Typically, when trying to
reel in foreign real estate clients, brokerage firms will hire translators
or agents who speak the same language as their ideal client,
someone who knows where their coming from and can
communicate any issues or concerns. Consider keeping bilingual
agents on staff to help with global and international clients.
Plenty of Detail. Foreign investors may not be able to be in the
States when they close on a property, which means they likely won't
have sufficient time to do more than one walk-through of the
property. Some even buy property sight unseen, which means you
need to provide as much detail as possible about the property
through photos, videos, or a combination of both in order for them
to make an informed decision prior to purchasing.
For more tips on global and international real estate clients, contact
us today.