Baltimore with Teens - AOL Travel
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Baltimore with Teens: A Perfect Family Day
by llllanu Pattenon,an AOl Travel Contrt>utor
F'o•edStp 17'-
Plannhg a lrrp lo BaRlmon1 wtth teons? There Is no
shortage olgrNI family vacation Iden In this thriving city
In my recent BaRlmore .,;,11. I found many hidden
treasures pelfect for• day ou1 with the family. From Its
inner harbo< water tp0<11 to Its museums end water parle,
Baltimore is sure b deNght even t,e pickiest adolescents
Plannhg a family vacation to Baltimore wlh teens Is easy
with the a,ggestlons below
Mount Washington is the perfed place to stM your femly
vacation In Baltimore with teens This Is en area filled wtth
vegetariln reteaurarts end oool boutques If your teen is
• late sleeper, grab !IOm8 brunch at the Blue Moon Cefe for good, old-feshloned service Wa hed a bit of e wal
when we .,;sited, but we were so busy en)Oying the oozy atmosphere and the ~iendly staff that we hard~ noticed
Try one olther SO\Jr1'4)lious drshes. ltke Captain Cru1ci1 frenci1 loast or a oountry breakfast of sausage. biscutts
and gravy, and a Side of hash browns The cafe rs usualy open ewry day for breB cassarole as a side, and it can't be beaten!Top of your deicious dinnerwrth
a slice of sinfuffy sweet chocolate cake.
Ruth's Chris is a little pricier than mast Baitmore restaurant~ with most meals runnng around $50,but the food is
wen worth the oost
Ruth's Chris Steak House,600 Vleter Street Baltimore, MO 21202, -
There is no better way to end the best family vacation i1 Baltimore than to relax wi h a good book. Head over lo
the Red Canoe Bookstore Cafe to pick up one of your favorle titles and enjoy a rup of tea while you read Take
your books and lea ou1 to the back palo, where t,e OO'l:'f and friendly atmosphere is sure to keep )OU there br
hours. The Red Canoe captures you right from the second )'OU wak in and is the perled endng to a perled day ,n
Baltinore wrth teens.
The Red Canoe,4337 Harford Road, Baltmore, MO 2121 4, - Hours Tue 7AM-7 30PM, V\led-Sat
7AM-5PM. Sun 9AM-3PM .aol .com//20 I0/09/ 17/baltimore-with-teens/
10/27/20 10
Baltimore with Teens: A Perfect Family Day - AOL Travel News
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