Charleston with Tweens - AOL Travel
Charleston with T
. weens: A Perfect Family Day - AOL Travel News
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Charleston with Tweens: A Perfect Family Day
Shan.a AOL Travel Contrt,utor
osted Sep 13'- PM
Sout, Carolina 1s hane to one of the most dlami oti ·
exctement and adventt.n a'ld rich wrth erterta,n~nt ae: in the county- Char1eston. ~hal1eston is a city brimming 'Mth
ff'lJseums and resta.Jrants, Cha1eston prov,des a
. d e~dles
for~ entre farnly. From aquariums ard parks to
of lhe ~st Ideas for families visrting Charlesbn
infinite hst d tt"ings to 00 a, a famity vacation. Belc:7.v are some
T raveIng Charleston wlh tweens ,s best done
some old-fashioned Soutiem coolf
on a QS1omach, so nse ear1y and head to Homny Grill for
and tie food impeccable The tied ; l ~ = n d I grabbed _a btte to eat there. Here, the serw:e is exceplonal
My niece chose the CDUntry brealer is- and lckets cost $16for aduls,
$14.50 br seniors. $10 for children aged 611 and tee for children 5 and under.Purchase tickets onine ahead of
time to guarantee your spot
Grab a delcious lunch at the No,sy O yster, which lives up ID tts name. As long as you don't mind a little noise and
a bl of a wat. this kid.friendly eatery is a fun place to take your !weens. In our experience, the oper>air booths are
refreshng, the serw:e attentive and friendly and the food surprisingly good and fresh Try the snapper wlh
Carolina rice and coleslaw, or the sesame...ncrused bJna and Jama can shrmp salad You- !weens (and ther
taste buds) w i l be satisfied'
The No;;y Oyster, 24 N. Market Street Charleston, SC 29401 ,-.
Any family vacation in Char1es1on with tweens shou1d n dude a stop at the Chareston watertont Park on the
comer ofVendue Range and Conord Street, a perfect place to take in the historic downtown Char~ston n all tts
beauty The park rtset is eight acres and runs along the Charleston Harboc The cool ocean breeie along wlh the
waterfountans arid swinging benches make his park one of the nicest things lo do in Charleston, with !weens
who still enjoy playing on the swings and in the water This is the perfect place lo relax and enjoy the beautlul
wea1her i, downtown CharleS1on.
W>en you're ready to contim.e your family vacation in Charleston with !weens. take a carriage ride arOU'ld the
gorgeous city with Classic Carrege Wlrks. The on&liou- private or grOJp carriage tours take you on an
informalive journey with knowedgeable tour gudes The pnvate tour costs $100 for two peope and you get a
discoun1 ~ you bOdk online before your trip. Group lour rates are $20for aduls (12 and over) and $12 br children
(aged 5-11 ). Chi dren four and under ride for free, but must srt on an adurs lap
Classic Carrege 1/Vorks, 10 Guignard Street Charleston. SC 29401 ,-
Wlen ts time for dnner, head towards the water and grab a table at Fleet Landng. This casual seafood
restaurant srts nght on the water and i; housed i1 a rebred naval buk1ing Wlether )OU sn inside or on ~e d~.
you can er,oy an unobstructed w,w of the water whle you dine on fresh seafood and other Lowcnuntryanspired
d,shes I particularty enjoy the Caroina lump crab cakes
Reservations are strongy recommerded, since Fleet Harbor gets pretty crowded, espeoally durng dnner. The
restaurant does have a kids men.,, wrth al rtems priced al $5.95 or less
http:!/news. I 0/09/ l 3/charleston-with-tweens/
Charleston with Tweens: A Perfect Family Day - AOL Travel News
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Fleet Landhg Restaurant 186 Concord Streel Char1es1on, SC 29401 ,-
The perfect endh g to your family vacation in Charleslon with tweans can be i:>und at Charleslon's Candy Kitchen.
Localod on Markel Street this old-fashioned candy shop offers a variety of delicious desserts. From homa..nade
peanl.l bufler rups and candied apples lo moulh-welerhg rudge, 11Is quahl little candy shop has yummy treats
your !weens will love Check this place out for an afler-lerested in ccntributing to AOL Tra1el, join our netoorl< of writers and chec/