Myrtle Beach with Kids - AOL Travel
Myrt le Ocach with Kids: A Perfect Family Day - AOL Travel News
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Myrtle Beach with Kids: A Perfect Family Day
by SNlnea P■tterson ,an AOL Travel ContrtJutor
Posted Oct 12'- M1
The plaoo for family Iravel, l\ttrtle Beach, S.C , has
something k> offer ever)(lne. whether )Ou're gong away
for a relaxng wee,end gelaway, a full-fledged family
vacation, or just ror the day. Myrtle Beach with kids is a
delight, as the area caters to fami,es with small children
V\llh 60 miles of soft sandy beach•~ live enlertanmert
theater~ family-fnendty dining, cultural activities,
amusemert parks, and water'll never run out of
lhings lo do n Myrtle Beach
Here's my idea of a perfect day in Myrtle Beach wilh kids.
Hop on out of bed and head overlo brealnal menu, complete wih simple treats like chocolate chip pancakes, aispy baron
rooked l:l perfed,on and light, fluffy scrambled eggs Mammy's has been open for owr 50 years, and the
restaurant takes prde in its exceptional service. It is, hands down, the best breakfast under seven dollars. The
restaurant also feabJres a full breakfast buffet for those that want to pick and choose from different menu items for
one bw price.
Mammy's Ki1chen, 1010 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577; 84:J.-; &ealand on.
V\lld Water and W>eels. 910 Highway 17 S, Surfside Beach, SC 29575;-; Hours and pri:es vary
accordi"lg to season
A trip to the Chidren's Museum of South Carolina is another must during famiy travel to Myrtle Beach Here
young kids can expbre a wide range ofsubjeds, from eledromagnetsm to rooking. My kids loved tte riteradive
magnetic field exhibn and were absilutely ecstatic when tley were l:lld they oould aeate and bake heir own
pizzas. The Bubble Mania exhiJn, which engufs the parti:ipant inside a gianl bubble, is a favor!e among lhe kids
and adut s.
Chl dren's Museum of South Caroina, 2501 North Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577;-; Tu...Sat
9AM-3PM, $8, Children 1 and )Ounger are free
ff your kids didn't get lhei' fill of pizza at lhe museum, you can head to Ultimate California Pizza for lunch, where
the pizza smells incredb ly delicious and tastes even belter The kid's menu is sure lo satisfy with a variety of
friendly options, indudng personal pizzas made wih the restaurant's Ultimale Red Sauoe and served wih a Side
of celery sticks. Adufts will be happy here too, my personal favorrte ,s lhe beef rav10li wnh affredo sauce. It's baked
wnh pannesancheese, served wih garlc breoo and a house saloo, and costs less than $10.
Ultimate Calffomia Pizza, 1502 N Hwy 17, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, 84:?-
Nex1 on )Our ist of lhings to do n Myrtle Beach 1s a visit to beaubful Brookgreen Garders, a no~rofit garden
museum dedicated to preserving nalivewildl~e. The Gardens are recogneed as lhe Nalional Historic Landmark
with "lhe most significant collection of f1gurat;,e srulpture, in an ouldoor setting, by American artists in the world "
My kids were less interesed in the sculpture and moe interesed in lhe zoo, which proviood opportunlies to see
bald eagles, river otters, alligators, and dozens of species of butler1l1es.
Brookgreen Gardens, 1931 & ookgreen Dr, Murrells lnlel, SC 29576; 843-23~- ; 9·30AM-5PM;
Adults $12, Children (4-12) $6, Children (3and under) tee
A trip lo Myrtle Beach wilh kids would be inoomplele wrthout a v1s1t to Mag,Oues( an inleractive, multi-level, live
action, role-playing game where ~
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