Maryland RV Resorts - USA Today
Maryland RV Resorts I Travel lips -'s Travel Tips
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Maryland RV Resorts
51-."-wor\ ~ Mocl•
Maryland 11 the 42nd largelt state in the UnKed States, wnh a population of roora than five minion people. Maryland is approximately
12.'407 IIQla'e mile• and has 90m8 ol the bnt RV pari Qrjjne Sign 4> Now - Qtick and Easy!
Ocean City, MD Golf
Choose from ten oceartronl hotels. Tee-Times at 20 golf eotneS.
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References & Resources
• Enchated Leaning: Marylandltttp://'usa/states/maryland/l
• RV parl( tuiter: Maryland/tttp://'state.asp?state=marylandl
About the Author
Shanea Patterson has been freelance writing professionally since 2006. Her writing interests inch.lie trawl writing, OCCl.l)lllional writing and fiction. She has been
pidshed in •InTraYef Magazine" and 'WAVE Joll'ney Magazine." She also writes for "Inspire Us Magazine.• Patterson is cll'rently pursting a Bachelor of Arts in English
from Mercy College.
Photo Credits
• Jl4)ilerimages/'getty images
Rv Parks Caffl)Grounds
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6/2/2011 8:47 AM