Facebook ads review of a client by my company
By, Vinge Media.com
• Mistakes
• Solution
Now what you need to do is narrow your audience
and then choose online shopping in interest.
You have chosen “Online Shopping” in interest
Rather than narrow targeting. In this you are targeting
The person who has interest in both physical fitness as
Well in online shopping.
• Mistakes
• Solution
Now what you need to do is narrow your audience
and then choose Engaged Shoppers in interest.
You have chosen “Engaged Shoppers” in interest
Rather than narrow targeting. In this you are targeting
The person who has interest in both diet food as
Well in Engaged Shoppers.
• Mistakes
• Solution
Never expand your audience until you won’t get
Make separate ad sets for expand audience when you
know your targeting is best.
You have ‘’ expanded your audience” which
makes Facebook exhaust your budget . Firstly
you are doing wrong targeting and also
expanded your audience
Which totally confuses the Facebook whom to show ads.
This strategy works when you do good targeting.
• Mistakes
• Solution
Always choose interest as short as possible like 5-6
interest of same niche for ex- smart watch , digital
watch or any branded watch company.
You are doing wrong targeting because
if someone has interest in students why
you are showing ads to them. Here
Facebook doesn’t show your ads to
right people.
• Mistakes
Here you are targeting too many
interest in same ads that’s why your
potential reach is also unavailable.
• Solution
Make separate ad sets for each
interest group . To target your right
audience. And start all ad sets with
5$ daily.
• Mistakes
• Solution
Always write short or 3 words description which
shows everywhere on required placements.
You have written the long description
which doesn’t show in mobile feeds
Ads Button
• Mistakes
• Solution
Always mention good call to action button which
make your audience to choose product efficiently.
This is a blunder mistake you have done
. You are running a online store instead
of shop now button you have
mentioned Learn more button.
Final Conclusion
1. Don’t choose too much interest on your ad
2. Always take 5-6 interest average.
3. If you are running a conversion ads always
go for automatic placements.
4. Always choose 1 day click conversion
5. And always do narrow targeting as show in
given image.
6. start with low budget then choose high if
things works.