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Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy
Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy
Nursing Autobiography
Alarik Fryling is a resident of Seattle WA practicing as a nurse for the last three years. He trained in nursing in the South University, a university which he adores for the prowess in offering Masters levels in various nursing programs such as Nurse Practitioner. The South University College of Nursing Philosophy takes credit for its holistic influence in the view of an individual in the profession of health. The view is never limited to the scope of study and patient care but also student fraternity, an advantage in modelling a comprehensive faculty.
In the first two years, Alarik, was working in the department of cardiology. Currently, he is in the department of ambulatory procedures at the outpatient. The main responsibility as a nurse in the department is to order and administer sedation as well as monitoring airways and vasodilation basic life support. The aim of him training is to be a registered nurse with cardiology being the major and to progressively build upon the current experience and knowledge working with and enlightening the patients about the cardiovascular conditions and the associated factors.
Besides the above major shift in roles as a nurse practitioner, Alarik has skills in various fields in nursing practice owing to the numerous training. In November, 2014 he received a BSN science in Nursing from Grand Canyon University. In June, 2013 he got an Associates of Science in Nursing from the Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland. He also attained certified nursing certification from Nursing School of Vallejo and Emergency Medical Technician from Multi-Skill Medical Training in San-Francisco.
Currently, Alarik is enrolled in the registered nurse to BSN, an online program, expecting to graduate in December, 2015. He has however receiver various certifications to practice as a nurse in various fields. He is a registered nurse and nurse assistant in Washington state. He also has certification in Basic life support and advanced cardiovascular life support from the American Heart Association. Finally, he is certified in EKG recognized by Washington state. Provided the immense training that he has undergone with accompanying certification, Alarik an array of experience. He is capable of an urgent triage and patient assessment, analyze patient problem and solve individually or as a team. He can schedule tests and procedures and provide patient education. Besides basic taking vital signs, he can perform CPR, ECG test, and assist in emergency childbirth. He can assist in ICU and administer medication. Other skills include applying suction, immobilize patients, wound care, draw blood, support laboratory technician, and creating awareness among patients on various conditions.
Alarik, despite his academic excellence, also show prowess in extracurricular activities and scholastic honors. He has a Washington Award for Vocational Excellence. He is a member of various organizations such the Nurses Services Organization (NSO), Latino Community Leadership, Emergency Nurse Associations, and American Nurse Association (ANA). He also speaks and write fluent English, Spanish, and Italian.
In his conclusive remarks Alarik adds that his experiences are valid with professional referees which can be contacted, a sure proof of excellence. Far from that his passion to humanity through nursing is manifested in daily activities as he continues to help various patients troubled with various conditions. That is the true character of a professional Nurse Practitioner.
Four concepts of the Metaparadigm
Conceptual model refers set of statements and concepts integrating the concepts into a comprehensive configuration. Proportions refer to statements describing the relationships existing among situations, events, or actions. Assumptions connect various concepts representing values, goals, or beliefs. Propositions occur by challenging given assumptions. The models comprise of general and abstract propositions and concepts forming the framework to refer to in a particular discipline. Metaparadigm refers to the global perspective pertaining to disciplines and forms the encapsulating framework or unit for developing other structures. Nursing philosophy design the general ideology and phenomenon of nursing and a logical presentation of the ideologies. Nursing philosophy provides directions, clarification of values, and developing foundations for development of theories.
The nursing theories and conceptual frameworks are representations of various paradigms of a major metaparadigm of nursing discipline. There are four concepts of paradigm in nursing discipline including person, health, environment, and nursing. The four concepts though independent, interact in that the individual getting healthcare live in the environment and the continuum within which a person falls while interacting with nurses, and the nursing as an entity (Masters, 2012).
A comprehensive metaparadigm contains requirements that a concept must meet before consideration. The metaparadigm must outline a distinct domain from those of other disciplines. Proportions and concepts must possess the unique feature for practice and inquiry for both the. Secondly, the metaparadigm must entail all the aspects of concern to the nursing discipline in a manner that is parsimonious. The propositions and concepts must globally acceptable and without redundancy. Third, the identified concept must be neutral in perspective. The concept or the proposition should not represent a particular perspective whether conceptual model of specific paradigm. Finally, the metaparadigm must be international in substance and scope. The concept and the proposition must not reflect particular ethnic, cultural, or national values and beliefs (Fawcett, & Desanto-Madeya, 2013). All the for concepts of the metaparadigm are derived from various theories, models, and philosophy such as that of Leininger, Watson, Henderson, and Nightingale.
The Four Concepts of Nursing Metaparadigm
Human beings
The center of nursing care is to ensure provision of healthcare to meet the health needs of an individual. Human beings are the individuals that culture recognizes together with the communities, families and other groups from which they reside. Human participate both as nurses and as patients in the nursing care (Fawcett, & Desanto-Madeya, 2013). Care for an individual entails presence, support, and expression of negative and positive feelings as a link with the deeper spirit and feeling of care by the individual. Nursing practice should enable individuals to communicate with others to express emotions, fears, opinions, and needs. Human being, being spiritual, must be worship according his or her faith. The should also have time to participate in various recreational activities passively or actively, rest and sleep.
Human beings reside in the environment comprising both the inanimate and animate objects with which human beings interact. Nursing services and institutions are within the same environment with human beings. The environment also entails the regional, local, national, and the global social, economic and political conditions affiliated to health and healthcare. Environment as a whole is an extrinsic factor that directly influence nursing and healthcare delivery (Fawcett, & Desanto-Madeya, 2013). Individuals whether sick or healthy interact with the environment in various ways. Nurses, in their jurisdiction, must ensure that patients are free from dangers in the environment, and causing harm to those around them. The hospital environment should be kept clean and desirable. The nursing should provide a healing environment at all stages, subtle surrounding of consciousness and energy that potentiate beauty, wholeness, dignity, comfort, and peace.
At the center of the four metaparadigm is health that nurses work diligently to restore. Health entails wellbeing, disease process and death of individuals. Most cultures perceive disease process different owing to their beliefs and religion (Fawcett, & Desanto-Madeya, 2013). Nurses should ensure that one breathes normally, with adequate nutrition and waste evacuation. Other health procedure includes maintaining body temperatures at normal, proper patient posture, proper wound care,
Nursing concept refer to act of patient care with the aim of restoring health. Nursing refer to the measures put in place by the nurses in conjunction with other human being or on behalf of them. The events by the nurses involve patient assessment such as labeling, diagnosis, planning, evaluation and intervention of conditions afflicting patients (Fawcett, & Desanto-Madeya, 2013). According Henderson, the specific role of nurses is assisting an individual, whether well or sick, to undertake those activities leading to recovery and restoration of health. She adds that nursing art requires empathetic understanding in a manner that helps revive the social, psychologic, and physical states of an individual. The nurse should practice equanimity and loving kindness between them and the patients. The care should assist with basic needs, administer essentials of human care, in accordance with mind-body-spirit alignment, unity, and wholeness (Masters, 2012).
Two practice-specific concepts
Concept 1: nursing and person
Nursing as a discipline outlines the laws and principles governing the human process of death and life. Nursing also pays close attention to the patterns of human health in relation to the environment in which the afflicted individuals live. Nurses are human beings that provide healthcare and by so the services should be that beneficial to the human health. Although human beings die, nursing should recognize than human life depends on the environment (Fawcett, & Desanto-Madeya, 2013). Human beings interact with the environment that makes it difficult to study them in in isolation. Diseases, injuries and psychologic conditions emanate from the environment. The same environment provides healing to the environment.
Concept 2: Nursing and health
The concept of nursing is almost inseparable from health. Whenever one talks about health, it goes without say that nursing role is health related. The emphasis on health enhancement affects the nursing concept. The knowledge of healthcare is the fundamental information for developing theory of nursing. The definitions of healthcare dictates how nurses practice (Payne, 2006).
In summary, conceptual model refers set of statements and concepts integrating the concepts into a comprehensive configuration. Metaparadigm refers to the global perspective pertaining to disciplines and forms the encapsulating framework or unit for developing other structures. All the for concepts, health, environment, person and nursing, of the metaparadigm are derived from various theories, models, and philosophy. The metaparadigm provides a conceptual framework for comprehensive nursing practice. The four metaparadigm also interact to form propositions. Health is the key concern whereby nurses offer services to restore health with respect to nursing theories. Nurses also help in creating an environment that enhance healing.
Fawcett, J., & Desanto-Madeya, S. (2013). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.
Masters, K. (2012). Nursing theories: A framework for professional practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Maville, J. A., & Huerta, C. G. (2013). Health promotion in nursing. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.
Payne, L. (2006), Health: a basic concept in nursing theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 8: 393–395. doi: 10.1111/j-.tb00462.x