Initiative Team Leadership
Roles & Responsibilities
An overview of roles, responsibilities, and key functions regarding the
Initiative Leadership Team.
Roles &
State specialists help turn research
into practical solutions by taking
information from the land-grant
Associate Dean
university system and applying it to
real-world problems. They work
Program Leader
PWG Leader
closely with county and state
Priority Working Group(s)
Action Team(s)
faculty, as well as other partners, to
plan, deliver, and evaluate programs
at local and state levels. Specialists
share their expertise by providing
trainings, creating useful tools, and
producing publications.
Primary Working Groups
Priority Working Groups (PWGs) are
teams of state specialists, county
faculty, and experts who focus on
specific priority areas to develop
What is the ITL?
Initiative Team Leadership (ITL):
strategies and solve problems. PWG
leaders work closely with program
leaders to align programs with
Ensures the development and delivery of impactful, high-
organizational goals. PWGs focus on
quality Extension programs.
specific tasks to ensure effective,
Associate Deans (ADs): Oversee initiative teams, provide
leadership, monitor effectiveness, and align efforts with
Extension Pathway Initiatives.
Program Leaders: Manage programs, ensure alignment with
priorities, and collaborate with ADs and PWG leaders.
Priority Working Groups (PWGs): Teams of state specialists
and county faculty that focus on priority areas through
planning, problem-solving, and evaluation.
Action Teams: Small, flexible groups within PWGs that tackle
specific tasks or projects.
research-based solutions that
address critical issues.
Initiatives 1 & 3: Dr. Mukhtar-Initiatives 2 & 4: Dr. Dukes-Initiatives 1-7: Dr. Horrillo-Engagement:
Dr. Shelnutt-