How to choose your freelancing niche?
Hi there my name is Grace, and I am the co-founder owner and creator of Filipino Virtual
Assistance, and allowed me to share with you today how you can choose your freelancing
A lot of people would come into the freelancing industry not knowing the niche that they can
start with and this is important because this is where you need to be established as a freelancer.
This is where you need to brand yourself in order for you to grow your freelancing as a
business. So here are some steps on how you can go ahead and decide on a freelancing niche.
Number one, you have to start with the niche or the work that you have prior experience.
Probably you used to go and work in an office setting so you can be an administrative assistant
or executive assistant or an office assistant. Probably you work as a real estate agent or broker
so you come-in into the freelancing world and be a real estate professional or a real estate
virtual assistant. Probably you’re an accountant or a bookkeeper or an accounting tech so you
can come-in in the online freelancing world and be an online bookkeeper or a financial manager
or whatever it is that you like to highlight that you know the job so you just want to transition
from the offline from the office setting into the online world.
Number two, you have to start with the skill that you know. So probably you’re a fresh graduate,
you’re a college undergraduate, you’re a mother or a father that you don’t have any experience
as working in an office setting at all, so you don’t have a previous experience that you can bring
on the table so start with the skill that you know what is that you know to serve clients the
services that you can provide to clients. Probably it is a powerpoint presentation. Probably it is
an online research, probably it is data entry, probably transcription. So you can go ahead and
start from there. Identify the skills that you know and this can be a freelancing niche that you
can start with.
Number three, is the skill or the skills that you are going through into your training right now. So
probably you are taking Filipino Virtual Assistance Freelancing Course and in that course there
is Lead Generation, Email marketing, Social Media, SEO, Facebook Ads. You can choose any
of those skills that you feel like you’re geared or inclined into and choose that skill as your
freelancing niche.
So the number one is the skill that you have prior experience, number two the skills that you can
render to clients right away because you know how’s it being done and number three the skill
that you are going through your training right now that you can go through and learn how to be
an expert at it and at the end of the month it is something that you can already give to clients.
Now these are just the niches that you can start with, you can always rebrand or continue or
grow from there. When you’re able to go ahead and be adjusted in the freelancing world it is the
time now that you identify your focus niche.
Now for the number four niche, you need to go ahead and start with the skill that you can
provide with good quality and expertise. So probably as a freelancer, probably as graphics
designer, probably as a video editor. So this is the niche that you know how to strategize as you
know how to go ahead and render with full capacity and you’re going to be an asset to the
company, so go and choose that niche. The niche that you are able to give to clients with your
fullest potential, so that’s number four.
And the number five niche is the niche that you need to go ahead and be established, because
the number one, two and three are the niches that you can start with you know and those are
the very niches probably that you can go ahead and be established and number four it’s
probably a season where you can go ahead and rebrand and focus on the niche that you can go
ahead and master or serve and probably your very niche in numbers one, two, three and four
and five are the same because in number five this is the niche now that I’d like to propose. A
skill that you’d like to really enjoy working.
When you wanna grow as a freelancer you need to be providing services in the niche that you
would blossom or so probably there is Social Media, SEO, it is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant,
Project Management, Copywriting. Whatever it may be it should be a niche that at the end of the
day you’re satisfied because you don’t only know how to render that service you know with the
fullest potential and the fullest productivity but you also enjoy while you’re working on it. It’s the
niche that will bring out a lot of creativity in you, a lot of satisfaction in you, a lot of fulfillment in
you so you would feel rewarded and fulfilled at the end of the day so even if it will take years
and years and years even if there are teammates and clients that would be a little challenging to
handle with you are blossoming in that niche because it is the niche or the skill that you really
enjoy working.
So again number one, you can start with the niche that you know how to do from your previous
experience. Number two you can also start with the niche that you know right now because it’s a
skill that you can start with. Number three it’s a niche that you are learning in your online
Academy, in your lessons, in your courses. Number four it’s a niche that you know how to go
and render to clients with your full capacity. And number five it’s a niche that you enjoy working.
Your niche can just go from one to the fifth. It can be all of the same niche, probably in number
two that’s the time that you are going to go ahead and identify. And it can be grown or it can
develop into the fifth type of niche you know it’s something that you know what to do and can
give to clients. And eventually it’s the fifth type of niche that you really enjoy or probably you’re
niche number four and you will redo everything all over again because you have discovered it’s
only your sub services, it’s not your main service (ok) because you can provide a lot of services.
Because you can provide SEO and development but you have to really focus on the niche that
you would feel like you are rewarded and you are growing and you are developing and you’re
enjoying at the same time. Because you can be going into the niches which are very competitive
and niches which are very high when it comes to the hourly rate and the project contracts.
However if you don’t feel rewarded working on it and it something that you enjoy and at the end
of the day you would feel like it’s toxic. It’s stressful and you don’t like working again on the next
day. So you can start with the niche that’s very temporary or something that you can start with
but eventually as a freelancer choose a niche that you can be established as a freelancer and
this niche should be something that you really enjoy working.
That would be all for today, I hope this has been helpful in your freelancing growth. I will see you
again on the next video. God bless you today!