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The issue should be securitized in Kenya.
According to my opinion corruption is national security threat in our country Kenya. Corruption is a standing threat to our national security.
Kenya is perceived as one of the world most corrupt country. It is ranked 143 out of 180 countries on transparency international’s 2017 corruption perception index.
Kenya has been plagued by a long list of corruption scandals. One of the most infamous was Goldenberg heist which occurred in 1990s during the President Daniels Moi’s tenure.
The government was found to have supsidential export of gold for beyond standard arrangements by paying a company called Goldenberg international 35% more in Kenyan shillings than in their foreign currency shillings.
Another scandal is that of 2014 millions of money was misappropriated from funds that were secured by the government through Eurobond which is an international loan that was schemed by foreign investors.
In 2015 approximately USD 17 million was stolen from Kenya national youth service by network of companies that supplied goods and services at an inflated price.
In 2020 billions of shillings accounted for services were embezzled by a network of dubious service providers. This money was for all of worked youth vocational training. That does not only jeopardize the country short term skills provision objectives it also irremediable long term opportunity cost.
The public procurement sector in Kenya suffers wind spread corruption and is the leading form of graft in the public service and always at the center of major corruption scandals.
Kenya competitiveness is held back by high level that perceive every sector of economy wind spread tax evasion hinders Kenya long term of economic growth and fraud in public procurement is a repast.
In judiciary example in 2016 allegation surfaced that Supreme Court judge Philip Tunei took a bribe worth millions in order to influence a correction provision opposing Nairobi’s governor. The judge was ultimately not investigated on the grounds than that prosecution legal mandate after Tunei retired of the legally mandated age of 70 years.
The Kenya national police is ranked as the most corrupt institution in the country and bribery is reported to be the only way to access service and expedite service.
Corruption compromises people’s future and their development. It also costs future romp out Corruption will drain any economy of the needed resources for the provision like infrastructure development.
Some of the solutions that Kenya can take measures is first to make sure is a possible of achieving this is for education policy make over to emphasis social ethics as a compulsory subject right from primary school all the way to university.
Kenya legal system must make corruption expensive and imotivative the proprietors by imposition of stiff fines and mandatory jail sentences.
All the proceeds from corruption must be reposed by the state and channeled back to the public use. The law could be revised to ensure that those convicted of economic crimes suffer. Lasting embarrassment and the greatest possible financial loss.
Strict stands of ethical conduct could be imposed for anyone seeking public office.
Public prosecutor should sign treaties with tax haven countries to block or reactivate illicit financial outflows from Kenya.
Successful fighting a culture of impunity requires visible results and new results will help the change behaviors and perception.