Quickbooks Integrator
iCarpetiles.com Quickbooks Integrator (QBI)
The iCarpetiles Quickbooks Integrator is a custom desktop application designed to facilitate the import of customers, orders, and affiliate sales into QuickBooks Enterprise.
QBI utilizes the Microsoft .NET and SQL Server stack, featuring fully encrypted pipeline connections to both local and remote databases.
QBI offers a one-click operation that downloads pertinent information from the main website, eBay, and Amazon. This data is converted and imported directly via the Intuit QuickBooks
Enterprise API, automatically. Users can make adjustments to orders, order line items, and payment data before it is committed to the database. The system allows the addition of
products that do not yet exist in the accounting system. Customer and payment data are fully encrypted throughout the process for PCI compliance. Order processing is 100%
transactional and asynchronous.
Upon launching the program, a popup window automatically initiates tests, running in parallel, to verify that API, local DB, remote DB, and QuickBooks connections are functioning
Once the tests have successfully completed, a simple window is displayed with three options and three buttons.
The eCommerce platform source is selected first. The operator can then choose what information to download via the corresponding button:
Download New Customers: Downloads new customers from the platform into QuickBooks. It creates a customer account, checking for duplicates via a complex ruleset directly
through the API for each customer record downloaded.
Download New Orders: Downloads all new orders from the selected platform. If one or more users do not already exist in QuickBooks, they are created automatically as described
Orders Window:
Get/Refresh Orders: Allows the manual refreshing of the list. While the orders list is automatically populated after opening, the user can keep this window open indefinitely and
simply refresh the orders throughout the day.
Orders Section: A table containing a list of all new orders that have not been imported yet. The "Import" button allows the operator to individually process each order. Successfully
imported orders are removed from this list. Clicking "Import" opens another window displaying line items. This list retains all non-imported orders if the app is shut down or restarted.
Columns are sortable.
Line Items Section: A table displaying all line items for a selected order.
Payments Section: Contains one or more payment methods for the selected order. Since most payments are encrypted or have fields unavailable for display, the columns
displayed may or may not have data, depending on the platform. Pre-auth keys/info from payment providers (if any) are never shown. After the order is successfully imported, all
payment data is immediately purged.
Coupons Section: Any coupons used for the purchase are displayed here and imported to the correct location in the QuickBooks database.
Review & Match Line Items Window:
This window displays a list of all line items for a given order. It matches website line items with QuickBooks products. If there is no match, the user can manually select the item from
the Matches dropdown for each unmatched item. If no match is found via the dropdown, the user can click on the green plus sign (add product icon) in the second column to open a
new product entry window.
Send To QuickBooks Button: When clicked, the entire order is imported into QuickBooks and automatically marked as imported, if successful.
Mark Order As Imported Button: For rare situations where an order does not successfully import, this button marks the order as imported and removes it from the Orders list.
Add A Product To QuickBooks Window:
This window interfaces directly with QuickBooks and allows the addition of a new product, categorization, assignment of accounts, and more. It pre-populates the fields with rule-based
defaults, which can be changed if required.
Download Affiliate Data:
This option downloads any affiliate data for the selected platform, where supported, directly into QuickBooks.
If the affiliate does not already exist, a new record is created. Affiliate commission per order (if an affiliate sale) is computed and sent to Accounts Payable via the API. Relevant order
information is saved as well to check later if the order was canceled, allowing for the rollback of the assigned commission.
The iCarpetiles Quickbooks Integrator utilizes Windows Active Directory for authentication and authorization across various sections. It is designed to work via VPN tunneling for all
data transfers.