Coinalyzer Cryptocurrency Tool
Coinalyzer Crypto-Currency Analyzer Project
Coinalyzer is a Windows desktop application used for tracking and determining potential gains of any cryptocurrency on the market. It displays valuations graphically and tracks crypto
The application is built using the Microsoft .NET 8 Stack and utilizes an MS SQL Server as the back end.
Ability to copy/paste, scrape, or access data via API from the CoinMarketCap exchange
Quick buttons to navigate to specific crypto overview and daily trades views
Ability to save user data, holdings, settings, and pricing, including reference holdings
View candlestick charts for selected or custom ranges with mouse zoom capability
Charts include trading volume information along with trend indicators
Top Section:
"Load From Paste" button: Loads copied content into the gridview. Any content that is in the same columnar format can be copied in.
"Load From Website" button: Loads data via CMC's API up to the last updated date into the gridview.
"Mcap" checkbox: Enables or disables the market cap column (useful when pasted data lacks this column).
Crypto dropdown: Dropdown of all available crypto. Tracked crypto with holdings are listed first, followed by tracked crypto with no holdings, and then all other crypto.
"Abbr" checkbox: Displays the adjacent dropdown data by abbreviation when checked.
"Load From DB" button: Refreshes data for selected crypto. Ensures up-to-date display, useful for future GUI clients like mobile apps or Blazor pages.
"Save To DB" button: Allows saving of pasted or API data to the database. This is a manual process to ensure data accuracy before saving.
"CMC Overview" button: Navigates to the overview page for the selected crypto on CMC's website.
"CMC History" button: Navigates to the daily trades page for the selected crypto on CMC's website.
"Clear All Transactions" button: Clears all transactions for the selected crypto, useful for delisted crypto to save database space.
"Save User Data" button: Saves user settings and data, including Range Selection, Gas Fees, and Holdings.
Grid and Chart Section:
Grid: A sortable grid displaying daily MarketDate, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and MarketCap in columnar format.
Chart: Displays the selected range of market information in candlestick format with color-coded indicators. Also shows daily market volume in a light blue line. Hovering with the
mouse reveals more information (price/volume), and scrolling zooms into the centered section.
Analysis Section:
Range Selection: Read-only fields in yellow display all pertinent information and analysis for the selected range, including the probability of gain or loss (in percentage and USD) for
that period.
"Get Live Price" button: Retrieves the current price of the selected crypto traded on CoinMarketCap (average across all exchanges). Displays date and current value in USD, BTC,
and ETH for reference.
Bottom Section:
Range Selection: Allows the user to select either a pre-defined or custom range.
Platform Information: Displays the current platform and basis for the selected crypto.
Exchanges: Displays the exchanges where the crypto is traded (dependent on API call).
Gas Fees panel: Allows the user to enter trading/gas fees for the selected crypto.
Holdings panel: Allows the user to enter current total holdings and reference holdings for past crypto ownership.
"Re-Calc" button: Recalculates holdings value, including reference value.
Standard security practices are implemented for both the database and API.