MONET: Mobile Ad Hoc Blockchains
Martin Arrivets
v1.0 (14/05/2018)
The peer-to-peer economy, where individuals are both consumers and
providers of goods and services, is paradoxically built on centralised
client-server infrastructure. Attempts at moving these services on public
blockchains, to mitigate the trust factor, are very inefficient because they
require every node, across the world, to process everybody’s commands.
Part of the problem can be addressed by designing more efficient consensus
protocols, but the idea of implementing localised services on a global public
network is fundamentaly flawed. We suggest a system, based on mobile ad
hoc blockchains, whereby groups of people involved in any task or activity
can effectively form temporary networks, with their mobile devices, and
coordinate themselves without delegating full responsibility to trusted
third parties. Users only connect to people they need to be connected
to, based on service and location, for the duration of their interaction.
The system initially relies on Babble, a consensus module suitable for
mobile deployments, and the MONET Hub, a public blockchain providing
infrastructure services.
This is a conceptual document, likely to evolve with community feedback and
experimental evidence. The definitions of interfaces and protocols are not intended
to be comprehensive and final. Where tokens and Proof-of-Stake are mentioned,
more details will be provided based on community ideas and critiques.
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Programming Model . . . . . . .
Consensus . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inter-Blockchain Communication
Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alternative Networking: Mobile
Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . .
Aknowledgements . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . .
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hoc Networks
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Babble: A pluggable software component that brings fast Byzantine faulttolerant consensus to distributed applications. It produces the Babble blockchain.
Blockchain: A continuously growing data structure representing a list of records,
called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. We sometimes
refer to Blockchains as peer-to-peer networks that use this data structure as the
underlying support for a consensus protocol.
BFT: Byzantine Fault Tolerance. The characteristic which defines a system that
tolerates the class of failures that belong to the Byzantine Generals’ Problem [1].
Byzantine Failure is the most difficult class of failure modes for a distributed
system as it implies no restrictions, and makes no assumptions about the kind
of behavior a node can have.
Consensus Algorithm: A protocol for achieving agreement among distributed
processes or systems.
DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph. A directed graph that has a topological ordering,
a sequence of the vertices such that every edge is directed from earlier to later
in the sequence.
FIP: Full Information Protocol. A communication protocol where processes tell
each other everything they know at every step.
Hash: The result of applying a cryptographic hash function that maps data
of arbitrary size to a bit string of a fixed size and is designed to be a one-way
function (impossible to invert).
Merkle Tree: A tree constructed by hashing paired data (the leaves), then
pairing and hashing the results until a single hash remains.
Mobile: We generally refer to mobile devices as modern smartphones, tablets,
or wearable devices, capable of connecting to the Internet, equipped with a
processor and memory.
MONET: An open network architecture based on mobile ad-hoc blockchains
and an interoperability protocol.
MONET Hub: An always on utility blockchain providing optional infrastructure services for MONET applications and ad-hoc blockchains.
NAT Traversal: A computer networking technique of establishing and maintaining Internet protocol connections across gateways that implement network
address translation.
Node: In this context, a device participating in a consensus protocol. We use
the terms node, participant, and validator interchangeably as they are usually
one and the same. Generally, however, validators are special nodes that play
an active role in the protocol, whereas, some nodes can be passive and only
consume the output. Participant also refers to the person or entity manipulating
the device.
Light-Client: A program that does not fully participate in a blockchain network
but is capable of verifying blocks.
Peer-to-Peer: A distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or
workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants
in the application.
Proof-of-Stake: A category of consensus algorithms for public blockchains that
depend on a validator’s economic stake in the network.
Server: A computer program or a device that provides functionality for other
programs or devices, called “clients”.
Smart Contract: A program deployed across a distributed, decentralized
blockchain network. Smart Contracts permit trusted transactions and agreements
to be carried out among disparate, anonymous parties without the need for a
central authority.
Many online services, that we use on a daily basis, only involve people in
relatively close range, and rely almost exclusively on trusted third parties acting
as coordinators. Mobile devices, that keep us all connected, only operate as
clients to the servers maintained by these intermediaries. While the system
works well, it suffers from the inherent weakness of any centralised model; users
are forfeiting privacy, transparency and control over their data and computation.
Furthermore, the cost of mediation is ultimately passed on to the end-user.
Systems built on peer-to-peer networking, consensus algorithms and cryptography
(blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum) provide a framework for individuals
to enforce contracts amongst themselves without outside help. However, as
currently implemented, they are not fulfilling their potential because most users
still interact with public blockchains in the same way they interact with other
online services; the actual computation, data, and work involved in securing the
service is left to somebody else.1
1 At the time of writing, the Bitcoin network is composed of 11732 nodes while Coinbase
alone, the global market’s largest bitcoin brokerage and wallet platform, serves more than 13
What is needed is a system for serverless mobile applications whereby people
can interact directly with one another without reverting entirely to a third party
or an extended set of participants. This involves three fundamental operations:
1) Distributed Consensus: reaching agreement among a group of peers,
connected by an unreliable communications network, without reverting to
a third party.
2) Interoperability: enabling information exchange across consensus networks, online or offline.
3) Peer-discovery: finding other peers to connect with, based on location
and activity.
MONET is an open network architecture, materialized by a set of software tools
and protocols, designed to address this matter.
We are building a free and open-source Software Development Kit (SDK) which
enables developers to add blockchain consensus to their applications. It introduces
a new paradigm whereby users dynamically join or form local blockchains for
the duration of their interaction, and eliminates the need for servers. Ephemeral
by nature, these mobile ad hoc networks only exist for the duration of a group’s
activity; following this temporary collaboration, participants are not required
to stay online to support other users. The SDK implements the Babble consensus system which is particularly suited for mobile deployments due to its low
messaging complexity.2
Thanks to the blockchain design, each user can record an immutable and auditable
record of a group’s correspondence, providing a base layer for accountability
and interoperability. The Babble blockchain is theoretically compatible with
existing Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocols (IBC) which generally enable
verifying on one blockchain that a transaction happened on another blockchain.
This facilitates transferring assets and data across application boundaries, and
goes in the sense of an open network architecture.
Peer-discovery services are deliberately under-specified; application developers
are ultimately responsible for deciding how users discover each other. Any
attempt at providing a general solution for peer-discovery would invariably fall
short of its goal, and would introduce an element of unwarranted centralisation.
This principle, known as the end-to-end argument, heavily influenced the design
of the Internet protocols themselves (TCP/IP); they involve a “dumb” network
with “smart” systems connected to the network.
A permanent master blockchain, the MONET Hub, optionally supports the
first applications on the network with services such as ID, peer-discovery, NATtraversal and cross-chain communication. It is a Smart Contract platform where
anyone can deploy programs with non-transient logic and benefit from a secure
million active users.
Figure 1: From Client-Server to MONET
distributed computing network. Validators are rewarded for operating nodes and
securing the Hub by earning transaction fees in Tenom, the Hub’s native token,
which also serves as the backing asset for the Proof-of-Stake protocol built atop
the underlying Babble blockchain.
We refer to nodes as the physical devices equipped with the software for participating in MONET. Nodes are active blockchain participants; they run a p2p
application that connects to nearby peers and performs the consensus functions
that ultimately allow a group to coordinate itself without resorting to a central
authority. One of MONET’s distinctive traits is the ability to operate nodes on
off-the-shelf mobile devices.
Anyone can run a node, provided they have a connectable computing device with
an application that uses a MONET-compatible consensus module. One such
module is Babble; it was designed to work with any application, written in any
programming language. Hence, we can provide SDKs for all mobile platforms
(Android, iOS and Windows Phone). Most mobile devices are already capable
of connecting to the Internet through cellular networks (3G, LTE, 4G, etc.)
or Wi-Fi. They also have enough memory and processing power to support
demanding software like feature-rich applications or the functionality presented
in this paper for mobile ad hoc blockchains.
When a set of nodes creates a new ad hoc blockchain, they agree on an initial list
of participants which they each copy locally. The list is subsequently updated
dynamically by the blockchain, depending on the application, as individuals
request to join or leave. Join Requests are processed by the blockchain, and
go through consensus as a special type of command. The application contains
Figure 2: MONET blockchain with 5 nodes
the logic that every node runs to cast its acceptance vote on the request; the
membership protocol is thus built-in to the consensus protocol. In practicality,
MONET blockchains will perform effectively with anywhere from 1 to 100 nodes.
Nodes are identified by an address; the hash of a public key, created with a
asymmetric cryptosystem, whose private key is also controlled by the node. To
form or join an ad hoc blockchain, nodes must be aware of the addresses of the
other participants. This information is necessary for two reasons:
1. To know the exact number of nodes in the permissionned consensus system.
2. To verify messages signed by other members using public key cryptography.
Nodes must communicate with one-another in a fully connected p2p network.
The consensus algorithm, which replaces the trusted third party, requires each
node to be aware of all the other nodes in the group, and each member maintains
a list of peers to which it refers regularly as part of the consensus protocol.
Public keys are used to verify the authenticity of messages received from other
In the consensus algorithm itself, nodes are identified by the hash of their public
key, as it remains unchanged when they roam around and change IP realms.
This also makes for a NAT-friendly consensus layer by avoiding addressing in
payload [2].
Programming Model
MONET applications are fundamentaly different from the applications we use
on a daily basis; instead of using centralised servers, these apps resort to Babble
to broadcast messages directly to other participants, and come to consensus
on an order of events. However, the Babble SDK makes it easy to adopt this
model thanks to a simple API which completely abstracts the details away from
developers, and lets them focus on the core business logic and user interface.
Babble and the application are loosely coupled. The application submits transactions for consensus ordering via the SubmitTx function, while Babble asynchronously processes transactions and eventually feeds them back to the application, in consensus order and bundled into blocks, through a CommitBlock handler.
To the consensus module, transactions are just raw bytes and encoding/decoding
is left to the application.
The SDK leverages local storage to manage configuration files and persist Babble’s
underlying key-value database. The most important item is the peers.json file
which contains a blockchain’s list of participants (public key, IP:Port). Both
the application and Babble have read/write access to this file; the application
is responsible for initially populating the list but all further updates should go
through Babble, enforcing consensus on all changes.
Figure 3: Programming Model
Bootstrapping a new ad-hoc blockchain can be achieved in many ways. Fundamentaly, an initiator is expected to create a first version of the peers.json file,
containing at least itself as one of the participants. It can then start receiving
Join Requests from other users, through the application, and eventually communicate the resulting peers.json file to new entrants. The questions of how peers
are discovered and how public keys and the peers.json file are exchanged, are left
to the application developer. It falls under the responsibility of peer-discovery,
which we expressly leave open.
A consensus algorithm enables multiple computing devices to process the same
commands in the same order, even in the presence of faulty participants. Coupled
with an application that actually processes the commands, it makes for a group
of devices performing the same activity as one, without outside help. Different
deployment contexts require different types of algorithms: permissioned networks,
where all the validators are known, rely on protocols where nodes dialogue among
themselves to come to an agreement, whereas public networks, like Bitcoin or
Ethereum, use another class of algorithms where a subset of nodes acquires the
right to define the order of the next batch of commands, in such a way that
the choice is fair, secure and verifiable (Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, random
sortition, etc.).
In MONET, mobile ad hoc blockchains are formed by small, localised, groups
involved in a common activity. Participants are directly connected but do not
necessarily trust each other and are most likely using mobile devices. Hence, we
are in the permissionned scenario with the additional constraints of potential
malicious behavior and network failures. Because these blockchains are used to
coordinate real-time activities, the output of the consensus algorithm must be
final and directly usable; a concept known as deterministic finality.
Babble is based on an asynchronous Full Information Protocol (FIP) which is
fitting for this scenario [3], [4]. It is a leaderless, asynchronous, Byzantine fault
tolerant system, capable of processing thousands of transactions per second with
sub-second latencies. The interested reader is invited to consult the open-source
repository, but in short, it is based on the engaging notion of gossip about gossip,
which intuitively yields enough information to compute a consensus order of
The algorithm leverages a distributed data structure that records the history of
gossip; It is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which cannot be tampered with
because all its parts are cryptographically signed and chained together. Using
this distributed history of gossip, participants continuously compute the group’s
common knowledge and agree on an order of events through a system of virtual
voting. Hence, like all FIPs, the core of Babble involves three operations:
1. Gossiping and constructing the Communication Graph.
2. Determining which Events will eventually be common knowledge.
3. Sorting the Events with a deterministic function.
To facilitate interoperability, we added an extra step which consists in projecting
the output of the ordering function onto a blockchain. Transactions are mapped
against a linear data structure composed of blocks; each block containing an
ordered list of transactions, a hash of the previous block, a hash of the resulting
application state, a hash of the validator set, and a collection of signatures from
the set of validators.3 This method enables DAG-based systems to implement
any Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol and integrate with an Internet of
Blockchains [5].
Figure 4: From Communication Graph to Blockchain
Inter-Blockchain Communication
There are several examples, in the traditional client-server model, of one server
needing to communicate with another server; this plays a fundamental role in
enabling interoperability between services (e.g., Uber interacting with payment
systems). In a similar vein, services deployed on blockchain networks require a
mechanism to transact outside of their respective circles. This presents at least
two challenges:
• Input/Output operations - communication between a state-machine and
the outside world - are non-deterministic and could undermine consensus.
• Data integrity - verifying that the item of communication went through
consensus on the originating chain - needs to be preserved.
What is needed is an Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.
Although ad hoc blockchains are closed and ephemeral networks by design,
they can represent immutable and permanent information. Even long after the
last node of a blockchain is shutdown, persisted blocks still contain irrefutable
cryptographic evidence of the events that took place in the network. This
evidence, packaged in a digestible format, provides the basis for an IBC protocol.
How the evidence is passed from one chain to another, is where the protocol is
Inter-Blockchain communication is about verifying on one chain that a transaction happened on another chain. In permissionned algorithms, like Babble, the
verification process involves counting signatures. Validators sign block hashes,
which are themselves obtained by recursively hashing together, in a simple
Merkle tree, the various components of a block, which include: the state-hash,
the validators-hash, the transactions-hash, and the previous-block-hash. Cryptographic hash functions are such that tampering with any of these intermediary
hashes yields a completely different block hash.
To certify that a transaction t happened on a given chain, we retrieve the
block containing t, and generate a proof object - an IBC packet - with the
Merkle proof that t is consistent with the block’s transactions-hash, along with
the block’s header and signatures. Light-clients recursively check the Merkle
proofs all the way to the block hash and finally check that the block obtained
a majority of signatures from the validator set registered with the light-client
upon initialization.4
Light-clients can be implemented in Smart Contracts and deployed on blockchains
themselves. Each light-client is initialized with the public keys belonging to the
validators of the remote blockchain. For example, suppose we wanted to verify
on chain B that a transaction t happened on chain A. We would implement a
light-client for chain A in a Smart Contract deployed on chain B, initialized with
the public keys of chain A validators. We would then submit an IBC packet for
t to chain B, which would get gossiped and processed independently by each
chain B validator by a call to the light-client. Changes to the remote validator
set are communicated through IBC packets themselves.
Because the IBC packets cannot be tampered with, we may rely on trusted or
untrusted entities to act as relays. The most a blockchain can do in the way of
initiating communication is to include, within the chain itself, a form of signal of
the intention to communicate some data. This can either be held as part of the
state or within an exclusive “sub-state” for logging purposes (e.g., Ethereum’s
logging trie). An IBC packet can then be formed and passed to the other chain,
outside of the consensus mechanism, by any entity observing the chain.
4 When
the validator set doesn’t change, the list of signatures is enough, but since the block
header only has a fingerprint of the validator set, it is necessary to establish a mechanism to
track it.
Figure 5: IBC
MONET nodes form an overlay network on top of the Internet, and communicate
over TCP/IP. Point to point communication between mobile devices, however,
is not easy to implement with the current network infrastructure. The three
challenges for mobile p2p applications are:
1. Peer-discovery: Supporting the discovery of local peers in a network
where nodes may come and go.
2. Mobility: Maintaining a mapping between identities and public IP addresses as peers roam around and change IP realms.
3. NAT traversal: Working effectively even as nodes are located between
multiple layers of NAT.5
A peer-discovery service enables nodes to learn which other peers can offer a
required service, and how these peers are reachable. Different solutions are
merely different approaches to providing a mapping between the identifiers
and IP addresses of devices, along with information about the services they
are offering [6]. Ultimately, some entities are responsible for managing this
mapping in a file or a database, potentially in a distributed manner. Modern
p2p applications use Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), such as Kademlia [7], to
coordinate lookups on the network with no central instance to store the mapping.
However, this is not applicable to our network without introducing special types
of nodes because of the transient nature of mobile ad hoc blockchains.
On the Internet, end-user devices are often operating behind several layers of
NAT. Hosts do not have globally unique IP addresses but share one with multiple
other hosts. Devices behind a NAT cannot be reached without participation
5 We
generally refer to Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) as NAT in this document.
from the NAT for at least two reasons: the NAT must agree to forward incoming
traffic, and it must redirect packets to the destination host according to a
port mapping. Hence, to be reachable from the outside, a host must learn the
public IP of its top-level NAT and configure all the NATs in between with
the appropriate port mappings and firewall settings. There are two families of
solutions for NAT traversal: communicating directly with the NAT to control
port mappings (UPnP, PCP) [8], or hole-punching techniques which use third
party services, residing outside the NATs, to echo or relay messages and create
implicit mappings in the NATs along the way (ICE, STUN, TURN) [9].
Because the elementary components of MONET - nodes - are ephemeral by design,
they cannot be relied upon to provide peer-discovery and NAT traversal services.
In the spirit of building a truly decentralized and fault tolerant system, MONET
is agnostic to how these services are implemented. It is left to application
developers to define how they facilitate peer-discovery and NAT traversal for
their users. However, as an optional utility for the first MONET applications,
we will setup a master blockchain, providing a secure Smart Contract platform
for long-lived data and programs. Eventually, each sector of the network could
be supported by regional autonomous hubs, potentially tied to one another.
The MONET Hub is an always on master blockchain that provides infrastructure
services for the first applications on the network. It is composed of multiple
independent nodes operated by a group of validators engaged in a Proof of Stake
consensus mechanism. Each node runs an instance of the Ethereum Virtual
Machine (EVM) coupled with Babble, where Smart Contracts can be deployed
to provide services such as peer-discovery, ID directories, financial ledgers, lightclients for other blockchains, and much more. Each validator also operates STUN
and TURN servers to facilitate NAT traversal.
The Hub is implemented on a blockchain, rather than privately operated servers,
because this affirms MONET’s decentralised nature; it is a distributed and faulttolerant network with no single point of failure. Anyone can become a validator
on the MONET hub, provided they participate in the consensus algorithm and
the Smart Contract layer. Moreover, anyone is free to create their own hub or
deploy any other solution to support their applications.
Each validator runs an instance of the Babble consensus engine, coupled with
EVM-Babble; a wrapper around the Ethereum Virtual Machine specifically
designed to plug into Babble.6 The EVM can accommodate arbitrary stateful
logic and has a built-in cryptocurrency, which we label Tenom in the context of
MONET to differentiate from Ether.7 The workflow is well known to blockchain
enthusiasts: one can create and call Smart Contracts through Ethereum-like
7 Ether
is the built-in cryptocurrency of the Ethereum public blockchain.
Figure 6: MONET HUB
transactions. Each operation has a cost and validators get rewarded for running
the underlying computation. Smart Contracts can also charge a Tenom fee for
the services they provide.
We will start by implementing free Smart Contracts for what we believe are
important utilities to support the network:
• ID directory: a global system for identification whereby users may dynamically register relevant personal information to be used across different
• Peer-Discovery: a generic registry mapping public keys or identities to
public network addresses, location and application.
• Light-Clients: a template for registering Babble light-clients for any
ad-hoc blockchain, serving as a a base for cross-chain communication.
Each validator on the Hub will be encouraged to operate STUN and TURN
servers to support the underlying ad hoc blockchains. STUN and TURN servers
enable hole-punching techniques for NAT traversal. On cellular networks and
some public Wi-Fi hotspots, users are prohibited from explicitly creating portmappings in the NATs that connect them to the Internet. It is necessary to
resort to protocols like STUN [10] and TURN [11], relying on servers on the
public network, to echo or relay packets from end-user devices.
Unlike mobile ad hoc blockchains, the hub is intended to be a stable utility
providing pivotal services for other participants in the network. To incentivise validators in supporting the blockchain, the consensus algorithm will be augmented
with a Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism relying on Tenom - the native token
of the Hub. Hence, the token is also a license to participate in the consensus
algorithm or to delegate decision power to other validators. As a reward for
contributing to the functioning of the network, validators earn a proportional
share of the transaction fees processed by the Hub.
Babble consensus supports up to one third of faulty nodes, including malicious
behavior. This is actually a theoretical limit for Byzantine agreement protocols
in general [12]. Above that limit, dishonest nodes could collude to subvert a
blockchain by creating network partitions or manipulating the order of messages.
Selective membership protocols, bolted on top of the consensus layer, mitigate
this attack vector by drastically enforcing strong conditions for joining a group.
Securing mobile ad-hoc blockchains is more challenging because, being relatively
small by definition, they are not formed of many nodes, and are more vulnerable
of being controlled by a colluding group of malicious actors. The strongest line
of defense is to implement rigorous membership criteria to approve Join Requests
and to carefully select the initial set of participants. Hence the motivation to
create a global public ID registry, where identities (MONET addresses) are
mapped to real-life data, such a user rating, name, endorsements, or any voluntarily submitted relevant information. Users keep complete control over their
ID and selectively expose different subsets to different applications. Programs
could then query the registry to approve or refuse Join Requests based on the
satisfaction of certain queries against the requester’s ID.
On the Hub, Babble is augmented with a Proof-of-Stake algorithm which incentivizes validators to behave correctly. Babble voting power is denominated in
Tenom and validators are forced to “bond” their currency holdings in a security
deposit that can be destroyed if they are found to misbehave in the consensus
protocol. This adds an economic element to the security of the protocol, and
quantifies the cost of violating the assumption that less than one-third of voting
power is Byzantine.
Alternative Networking: Mobile ad hoc Networks
Mobile devices are also equipped with hardware that would allow establishing
direct point-to-point links between nodes. In theory, nothing prevents mobile
devices from establishing direct radio links, and there are a few available technologies that enable it (eg., Wi-Fi-Direct, Bluetooth or LTE-Direct). However,
this is limited by several factors: range and power consumption, regulated or
congested parts of the spectrum, operating system support.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can be used in ad hoc mode to establish infrastructureless p2p communications. Their range is realistically in the order of 30 to 50
meters and degrades quickly in the presence of physical obstacles. Android
and iOS have built-in support for Wi-Fi-Direct, a complementary technology
to traditional Wi-Fi ad hoc, where scalability and stability are improved by
introducing the role of Group Owner, which acts as an access point. The group
owner provides the communication infrastructure for all the other devices within
its range. In the context of MONET blockchains, however, such a scheme would
undermine the BFT properties of the consensus algorithm, which is designed to
work without a leader or central point of failure.
Theoretically, one could choose any radio frequency and modulation scheme to
communicate directly with other devices. But, to prevent interference between
different users, the generation and transmission of radio waves is strictly regulated by national laws, coordinated by an international body, the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU). Furthermore, it is unclear whether smartphones have full capabilities for Software Defined Radio (SDR), which would
enable them to tune to arbitrary radio frequencies and process any modulation
LTE-Direct is a promising development in device-to-device (D2D) communication.
It operates in a licensed spectrum, allowing it to provide high communication
performance and reliability. Two scenarios are provided to support D2D communication: in-coverage, and out-of-coverage/ partial-coverage. The in-coverage
scenario is activated when both devices can be reached by one or more LTE
cell towers, which have the role of timing, radio resource allocation (to LTE Direct), as well as user authentication. The out-of-coverage (and partial-coverage)
scenario supports non-mediated D2D communication, meaning that the LTE
cell-tower does not need to be available. However, it is only permitted for public
safety applications. LTE-Direct is highly scalable and can support some 1000
devices in a 500 meter range, but D2D communication for commercial applications has not been standardised in 3GPP yet. For now, only communication for
public safety applications has been standardised.
Use Cases
MONET introduces a new paradigm for building mobile applications, whereby
individuals are directly connected to each other without fully depending on
centralised servers. Even current mainstream applications could benefit from
switching to this model. For example, MONET could provide the backbone for
a fully decentralised Uber. Users and drivers in close vicinity would form ad hoc
blockchains and coordinate themselves without relying on an expensive service
provider to run the orchestration. Shared state, like a user rating system, could
be implemented on the Hub’s master blockchain, supported by a trustless and
secure consensus algorithm.
Every MONET blockchain records an immutable and irrefutable log of events,
which is highly relevant to financial ledgers; ad hoc blockchains can be used to
represent movements of money. Even if they are transitory networks, blockchains
record a provable history of the transactions that took place within them. InterBlockchain Communication allows blockchains to transact outside of their closed
circles, by proving on one chain that a transaction happened on another chain.
Hence, MONET also allows creating sharded cryptocurrencies where the shards
are mobile. Groups of people can withdraw from a main ledger into a temporary
ad hoc blockchain, transact among themselves in isolation, and later come back
to the main ledger.
MONET could also be used for more trivial matters such as gaming. Today,
multi- player games are usually implemented with a central server to coordinate
participants; alternatively, when they adopt a p2p design to cut down on the
costs of maintaining such servers, game developers are forced to implement their
own solutions from scratch, which is a relatively important investment. MONET
provides a free framework that game developers can plug into and access a
network of users already equipped for p2p coordination, in the form of mobile
ad hoc blockchains.
We presented the concept of mobile ad hoc blockchains which enables groups
of people, in relatively close range, to engage in a common activity without
resorting to an extended set of orchestrators. This makes for a truly decentralised
network topology, intuitively appropriate for the peer-to-peer economy. The
challenge is to provide a layer of trust, supported by hardware and software,
within dynamically formed groups, where individuals do not necessarily know
each other, and to provide mechanisms for mobile devices to discover one another
and establish point-to-point communications, where current infrastructure does
not necessarily allow for it. Our solution relies on a free and open-source
software module, Babble, which provides BFT consensus suitable for mobile
deployments. Peer-discovery and NAT traversal are left to the users, but will
initially be supported by an optional utility blockchain, the MONET Hub, which
will itself be operated by a number of independent validators. A new generation
of mobile applications will be able to leverage this new infrastructure, which
adapts organically to the urban nature of the p2p economy, and addresses the
disadvantages of the current client-server model.
Many thanks to Duarte Aragão, Ivan Dikov, Yussuf Dirie, Daniel Grimes,
Abdi Hersi, Kevin Jones, Michael Petidis, Giacomo Puri Purini, and Stanislav
Stoyanov for participating in the many exciting conversations that led to these
ideas. Concepts relating to blockchain networks were heavily inspired by the
fantastic work done by the Tendermint team and the Cosmos foundation.
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