http://www.worldpensonline.com/ (WebApp)
Build for hiring online writing free lancers. Developed in code-ignitor.
http://mydiveo.com/ (Website)
Online video sharing website you can share you talent here and you can win a contest.
(Extensive work on AWS services). Developed in cakephp.
http://ghosttunes.com/ (WebApp)
Ghost tunes is an online music platform. You can find different singer’s albums and Songs from here and
you can buy any album/song from here. Developed in cakephp and ajax.
http://appsprouter.com/ (WebApp)
App Sprouter is an advanced drag-and-drop app builder that allows small businesses, designers, Agencies and
marketers to design & create beautiful apps without any programming knowledge. Developed in cakephp.
http://stayseated.net/ (IOS + Android App)
stayseated is a stadium sitting plan app for different vendors for booking their orders. Web services developed
in cakephp.
http://www.kaypr.com (IOS, Android And Web App)
Kaypr is developed for for different directors and talents to connect with each other’s for their roles. Kaypr is
developed in Laravel framework.
http://knowledge-core.com/( WebApp)
Knowledge core is an academic project. A teacher can put his class here and students can select their subjects
form here and admin arrange their classes. Developed in Laravel Framework.
http://www.styledbyhrush.com/( WebApp)
StylebyHursh project was developed in wordpress.its booking plate form for beauty treatment for a hollywood
celebrity kayle janner.
Colusa casino project was developed in wordpress.it was huge project that was created for promotions and
booking of restaurants and casino.
Travel zeeky project is developed in laravel 5.2. this project is about hotels booking specially for Vegas city
http://www.shopperapproved.com/ (WebApp)
Shopperapproved project is developed in laravel 5.3. it’s a third party review collection company and its in
500Inc from 2 years