Hi Everyone! My name is Grace and I am the co-founder, owner, and creator of Filipino Virtual
Assistance and allow me to share with you this tip on transcription. So if you are a Freelancer or Virtual
Assistant who is focused on transcription jobs, it may be transcribing videos or transcribing audios this
may help you, it’s called the Google Voice Typing. So it’s very simple, however, again it needs some
human touch just like most of the AIS out there. Alright, so here it’s very simple of course you have to
choose the video or the audio that you need to transcribe. So it may be online or it may be a file that the
client sent you and then you need to open the Google Documents. So under your drive open a Google
Document and then go to tools, right! So under here the tabs, here there are file edit, video, and then go to
tools tab and then click on Voice Typing. So it’s right here and then after that one display the video or the
audio that you need to transcribe and then later on you need to edit. Alright, so let’s go and try to choose
this one here okay, let it play out and then click this one.
The Three C’s of success. Hi there! My name is Grace and I am the co-founder, owner, and creator of
Filipino Virtual Assistance and allow me to share with you the three-letter C’s of success and this”
Alright, there we go, it’s typing for us and all we need to do now is just edit alright so instead of typing
the whole thing from you know, the first word to the last words, Google Voice Typing has done it for us.
However, you know I would suggest that make sure that the one you’re transcribing is clear with words
ok as there would be some words that are not clear maybe you need to edit it. Maybe you need to research
it especially if the accent is very thick, so it really needs some human touch. You really need to really
make sure you edit it that’s why I added the step here edit ok before you can smile and give it to your
So now let’s go to the editing part, “Hi there! My name is Grace”, alright it’s not “great” though the name
“Grace” is sometimes also great. Kidding aside, alright so “I am the co-founder comma owner and creator
of Filipino”, of the Filipino so that’s a company name so we’re going to make sure that this is a proper
noun and it should be “Assistance” not Assistants, and “allow me to share with you the three” not “free”.
Alright, so add-in also, you can also add in your what do you call this one “Grammarly” in order for you
to be assisted when it comes to editing. “Allow me to share with you the three” alright not “free” letter
C’s of success. Okay! so there we have it we have the first segment to the video.
I think the video is, I think three minutes long so imagine if you are transcribing a 30-minute audio or 30minute videos, so if you’re going to type in everything it’s going to take you hours probably in my
experience before four hours for one hour. You know that’s at least, so you can go to eight hours even if
just the accent is too thick and then if you have to research everything you’re unsure of what the name of
the part that was mentioned there or the people that was mentioned there so we have to research and make
sure that when you’re editing and proofreading everything is really clear. Alright, so this Google Voice
Typing is a great tool when it comes to transcription jobs okay. So when you’re transcribing audios or
videos at least they are typing everything it types for you. You just make sure that everything is online
alright, that your microphone, your computer microphone would be able to process the video or the audio
so it can type on its own, it can listen, and type on its own, and then all you have to do is come in and add
your human touch which is editing or proofreading. Alright, so I hope this has been helpful. I will see you
in the next video God Bless you all.